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Andrew Weber

Animals Used for Testing

Anne Harrington

Dastan Eleukenov

Discipline in the workplace


Gary Crocker

Gennadiy Lepeshkin and David Franz

Gennadiy Lepeshkin and Gary Crocker

Gennadiy Lepeshkin and Milton Leitenberg

Gennady Lepeshkin and Richard Spertzel

GNL: Reflections on the past

GNL: The Almaty Interview

GNL: The Washington Interview

My Work



Public discussions


Sergei Popov: My Science

Sergei Popov: The System

Yuri Orlov

01. The Soviet population was told to prepare for war
02. People who developed biological weapons were criminals
03. Development of nuclear weapons should be against the law
04. An officer could have refused to carry out an order
05. Training exercises that irradiated soldiers in Central Asia
06. Secrecy was such that I wasn't allowed to read my own calculations
07. Even a prison guard could be given an apartment as a reward for his work
08. The military-industrial complex in the Soviet economy
09. Even the KGB lost their faith in Soviet ideology
10. Yeltsin was being sincere when he decreed the abolishion of the biological weapons program
11. An example of the economic effect of the dissolution of the USSR