S. Popov: Even in institutions that did classified work, there was a tremendous amount of competition. Definitely. Unfortunately, this whole desire to stand out in the absence of good... kind of classic scientific research tools and classic scientific research principles resulted in quarrels between people and in administrative battles. Because it was very difficult to protect yourself, let's say, as a scientist, by presenting your scientific results. No one really paid attention to scientific results. That was the whole point! And I realized that a long time ago. I wanted to grow as a scientist, I wanted to develop, I wanted to be valued for what I achieved as a scientist. In fact, I was assessed according to completely different criteria which had nothing to do with my research. Well, for example, um, the Party Committee said that I should concentrate on the team. For example. And that really drove me up the wall. I didn't want to concentrate on the team, I wanted to solve a scientific problem.