Gary Crocker: He's... Pasechnik is sort of the key, if you ask me who the most important... Sverdlovsk is number one in really bringing this to people's attention, and two is the defector from St. Petersburg, because he's telling us something that is a surprise, and that is plague is the number one agent, plague is the thing, they've really worked on it, and he knew about what the Americans had tried and decided against it, but he knew what we had done, and he had taken it many steps further, to protect it and, you know, make it so it would survive, etc., you know, so he... they were doing some pretty incredible things that we did not know about, that is a surprise, what he told us about their work, we didn't know that, and he had some information about weaponization. What he does is then lead us, given what we learned there, and he did know some of the other facilities and he knew some of the people, and we started to work.