G.N. Lepeshkin: So the question is this: have military achievements been put to use for civilian purposes? Of course they have. All the vaccines that have been manufactured against highly dangerous infections were developed specifically at Defense Ministry enterprises. The procedures that were put in place, they are still used. For example, a tularemia vaccine, an anthrax vaccine, a brucellosis vaccine, a plague vaccine and a whole host of other ones. In other words, all of these operating procedures that were developed, they are viable, and they have shown their worth going back to the Great Patriotic War. After all, it is well known that the plague vaccine, which was created at Defense Ministry enterprises, saved the lives of an entire contingent of military units. When we were conducting military operations in the Far East, as you know, there was a Japanese detachment there that was prepared to wage biological war. Our military contingents were inoculated, and that enabled them to avoid any serious consequences. The same was done in the Balkans. And there have been a number of other instances that have been widely described in the literature. So to say that... That is one example, but there are plenty of them. And there are advanced research developments in every field, every sector that are being used in the national economy. This applies to technology, it applies to aviation, and it applies to water transportation. In other words, a lot could be said on this subject. I have only touched on the biological aspect.