S. Popov: The biological program... the biological program on the territory of the Soviet Union was spread around in many places. See, if we look at the territory of the Soviet Union, which... it's an immense country, from the polar circle to the south seas, like the old song says... then overall, the territory of the Soviet Union: the Far East, Kamchatka, the Central Asian republics... for the most part, all the biological research was concentrated in two places: the central region, where... with Moscow in the middle, in the capital, and some fairly... fairly serious efforts were made in Kazakhstan... in Kazakhstan and Siberia. So this area here. The scientific institutes were located mostly around Moscow, and a large scientific institute where work was done in a new area, I mean development of new types of biological weapons, was established in Novosibirsk, and several industrial enterprises, including Kazakhstan... there was also a very large enterprise in Omutninsk. However, if we look at all of the institutes involved in the program, then this... these institutes were located all over the place. Everywhere, absolutely everywhere, including even in the Far East.