Richard Spetzler: You had to catch them in an obvious lie, and then pursue that avenue. And we got to the point, we could tell from the voice whether we were hitting pay dirt, or not. And Dr. Taha's voice would become very high very fast, you know, and...
Sonia Ben Ouargham-Gormley: When she lied?
Spetzler: Huh?
Ben Ouargham-Gormley: When she lied, yeah?
Spetzler: When she lied. And... you know, and they pulled all kinds of stuff in the... early one: we found that we would get the most information out of the interviews, and by interviewing enough... and begin to coordinate it, you could... you knew where to go next. But they also found ways of trying to thwart it, and one of them was: my dear friend Dr. Kelly that died a couple of years ago... but he was asking questions of Dr. Taha, and she stormed out of the room, and said she would not return until... I was a team chief, until I sent him back. And I said that's not going to happen, you know. So, Hossam Amin said, "Well, give me a chance, and I'll see if I can talk her into it." And you know, yak yak yakkedy, and they come back, and they said, "She'll come back and continue the interview, but Dr. Kelly has to be in another room, and we have to carry the answers over there."
Hossam Amin: General Hussam Mohammad Amin, the Iraqi liaison official with UNSCOM.