Gary Crocker: You know, I actually testified before a joint session of Congress with the Deputy Secretary, where what they were investigating, you know, Soviet chemical-biological weapons activity, and different things, and the Senator asked me, "Is the Soviet Union violating treaty?" And the Deputy Secretary, very obliged that I should answer the question... And I said, "Yes, absolutely. Violating the Geneva Protocol, the 1925 Geneva Protocol: you can't make this stuff, transfer, or you can't use it, and the 1972 Biological Convention, because you can't produce it, etc. etc." So, you know, I said, "Absolutely." You know, yet I was way out ahead, because our government had not officially issued a statement, saying the Soviet Union was in violation, you know, so I was out ahead. I got in a little trouble, actually, but... So I was out a little bit ahead on that one, but by implication our government papers had said there was no doubt they were violating this treaty.