S. Popov: To convey what was going on, those, you know, the emotional aspects of the work that existed then, they were not seen as something, you know, something extraordinary. It seemed as if we were doing something... things that were fairly ordinary. Maybe because it had already been put down on paper, it looked like an official plan, and we were constantly being, how to say, worked to the bone to make it all happen. That is, there was no sense of some sort of emotional excitement upon achieving the goal. It was somehow all more... more routine, or something, okay? And there was a sense of, a sense of relief, stemming from the fact that yes, now... a kind of... now I can write a doctoral dissertation, I can write an article. But again, as to a sense of excitement, there was an oppressive feeling, that, well, on the whole, nobody would know anything [about what we were doing]. Do you understand? Because ultimately people measure themselves against others, don't they? We always place, you know, well, we are social creatures, and if, if no one... no one is going to know, and no one is going to... no one appreciates [the work], then there's no thrill. It drains away. And that's why the whole system was rotting. It basically decayed all on its own. People saw that their... their efforts were basically leading nowhere, in the scheme of things. The client would come, the client would collect the paperwork, the client would get our research results and then disappear, and we were nobodies. And consequently, when the biological program was wound down, it turned out that all of that, that... that crap was stirred round and round, round and round, from year to year, from year to year, and then it turned out that no one had any use for us. Just go away, get lost, wherever you like, got it? But just make sure you don't tell anyone about what took place. I don't know whether Gennadiy had similar feelings, when they simply tell you that no one needs you, that's it, you've outlived your usefulness, so to speak. You did your research back then, okay, fine. And no one can use it, and no one will ever hear of it, and don't speak to a soul about it. End of story. And now, if you want to do science, please, be our guest, but, by the way, we have zero money for science.