Russian 3305: Syllabus
Week 1: [show/hide]
Come to the organizational meeting (click Welcome in the navigation bar and look under Current Announcement.
Week 2: [show/hide]
День труда. Отдыхайте!
No homework. In class, we will talk about this part of the course.
Print this six-page handout in Acrobat (PDF) format: Page 4; Page 5; Page 6; Page 7; Page 8; Page 9. These pages describe the Russian alphabet and shows samples of cursive writing. Learn the alphabet and copy the writing on these pages. This video is a good way to learn how to connect the letters.

In class: letters and sounds.

Print this five-page handout in Acrobat (PDF) format: Page 12; Page 13; Page 14; Page 17; Page 18. Copy these pages in cursive to practice your handwriting.
Week 3: [show/hide]
Chapter 1. Stories. Story 1-1 (A or B). Pages 1-24. (Михаил Мишин «Счастливый»)
Consult Letters and Sounds. Part 1. Write 30 Russian words that illustrate various points of this section. Indicate what your words/letters are examples of. You may pick those words from a book, newspaper, or Web site, or just look around and write what you see.
Read Один за трех; Три за одного from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Find and copy (in longhand) 30 words from this story that illustrate some of the points made in Letters and Sounds. Part 2.
Week 4: [show/hide]
Advanced Russian: From Reading to Speaking: Chapter 2. Stories. Story 2-1 (A or B). Pages 1-20. (Михаил Мишин «История»).
Read Самая удивительная буква русской азбуки from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Find and copy (in longhand) 30 words from this story that illustrate some of the points made in Letters and Sounds. Part 2.
Read Еще одна «редкостная» буква from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Find and copy (in longhand) 30 words from this story that illustrate some of the points made in Letters and Sounds. Part 3.
Week 5: [show/hide]
Chapter 3. Stories. Story 3-2 (A, or B), Story 3-3 (A or B). (Сергея Довлатова «Предисловие», aka «Холодильник» и «Остров»)
Read Било и крыло; За что бьют рынду? from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Write 10 short Russian sentences with words from this story that illustrate some of the points made in Letters and Sounds. Part 4.
Consult again Letters and Sounds. Part 4. Write 10 short Russian sentences with words that illustrate various points of this section.
Week 6: [show/hide]
Advanced Russian: From Reading to Speaking, Chapter 3. Stories. Story 3-1 (A or B). Pages 1-31. («Сергей Довлатов о времени и о себе»)
Consult Letters and Sounds. Part 5. Write 10 short Russian sentences with words that illustrate various points of this section.
Read section Suffixes in Letters and Sounds. Part 5, then take as much of this online Self-Test 1 as you have time for. If your computer doesn't play the sound correctly, use any PC in the language lab. Compare your results to the provided answers and analyse your errors, if any (click the links in the answer page). Take the test again if you feel you can do better the second time. Bring your first version to class. We will use this dictation to review everything that has been covered this semester so far.
Week 7: [show/hide]
Chapter 2. Stories. Story 2-2 (A or B). Pages 1-25. (Михаил Веллер «Тест»).
Take the rest of the online Self-Test 1. Compare your results to the provided answers and analyze your errors, if any. Use the answer page and Quick Links to review everything that has been covered this semester so far. In class, you will write a dictation that is similar to Self-Test 1.
We will review all issues that seem to have been a problem in the dictation.
Week 8: [show/hide]
Осенние каникулы
Read Анатомия слова from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Summarize it in 10 short Russian sentences. Bring 5000 Russian Words to class.
Read Глокая куздра from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Summarize it in 10 short Russian sentences. As you read, note the case forms of nouns. Bring 5000 Russian Words to class.
Week 9: [show/hide]
Chapter 2. Stories. Story 2-2 (A or B). Pages 26-51. (Михаил Веллер «Тест»).
Re-take of Dictation 1.
Read Два слова о суффиксах from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Summarize it in 10 short Russian sentences. In each sentence, mark the case, number, and declension class of every noun. Use the terms in grammatical terms and on pp. 310, 311, 312, and 317 of 5000 Russian Words. You should read the above pages carefully and also consult these Web pages: The four declension classes of nouns, Gender classes, Case of nouns: form and function. Bring 5000 Russian Words to every class.
Week 10: [show/hide]
Chapter 6. Stories. Story 6-1 (A or B), Pages 1-30. (Людмила Улицкая "Явление природы")
Write 10 Russian sentences to show the use of various case, gender, and number forms of nouns. In each sentence, mark the case, number, and declension class of every noun. Use the terms in grammatical terms and on pp. 310, 311, 312, and 317 of 5000 Russian Words. You should read the above pages carefully and also consult these Web pages (some of them are a review from the previous class): The four declension classes of nouns, Gender classes, Case of nouns: form and function. The chart from p. 317 of the dictionary is also shown at this Web page, where you may find the format easier to use. Don't miss the variants for the Genitive plural endings, the special spelling of -ия and -ие nouns in the Dative and Prepositional cases, and the animacy rule. Bring 5000 Russian Words to every class.
Read Слова и словари from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Summarize it in 10 short Russian sentences. In all sentences, mark the case, number, and gender of all pronouns and adjectives. For reference, use pp. 313, 314, and 315 in the dictionary. If you want an introduction to these classes of words, read these Web pages: Adjective-noun agreement, Ordinary and Special adjectives. If you need a reminder of the effect of spelling rules (p. 309 in the dictionary) on endings, read The effect of spelling rules and The effect of stress in Nom. Sg.: adjectives in -ой, -ий, and -ый. Read also about comparisons so you know that a comparative form never ends in -и even though many sound as if they do. Bring 5000 Russian Words to every class.
Week 11: [show/hide]
Chapter 6. Stories. Story 6-1 (A or B), Pages 31-53. (Людмила Улицкая "Явление природы")
Read Словaрь Пушкина from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Summarize it in 10 short Russian sentences. In all sentences, mark the tense and conjugation type of all verbs. For reference, use pp. 318 in the dictionary. You'll also find these Web pages useful: The two verb stems (including the links to irregular verbs and consonant alternation), Past tense endings, Non-past tense endings and The two conjugations. If you need a reminder of the effect of spelling rules (p. 309 in the dictionary) on verb endings, read Spelling rules for verbs.
Read Лазея в прошлое from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Summarize it in 10 short Russian sentences. In all sentences, mark the aspect, tense and conjugation type of all verbs. For reference on aspect, use these Web pages: Aspect: Perfective and Imperfective verbs (including the links to взять/брать and пойти/ходить), How to express past, present, and future, Prefixed and unprexifed verbs, and Aspect partners with different roots.
Week 12: [show/hide]
Chapter 6. Stories. Story 6-1 (A or B), Pages 54-77. (Людмила Улицкая "Явление природы")
Read One-Way and Non-One-Way verbs of motion on the Web and write 10 short Russian sentences using various verbs of motion in various situations that illustrate the difference in their meaning: Round trip vs. one direction and other similar distinctions. You will find these Web pages useful for reference: Six sample verbs of motion, Expressing "go", Пойти vs. ходить, Prefixes, More prefixes, and More examples. Use the dictionary to verify spelling and conjugation. In class, we'll also talk about deverbal and imperative forms.
By now, you should be able to spell all forms for pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and verbs without consulting any tables. (This does not include deverbal forms--participles and deverbal adverbs in the last two columns of the dictionary entries.) Take as much of this online Self-Test 2 as you have time for. If your computer doesn't play the sound correctly, use any PC in the language lab. Compare your results to the provided answers and analyze your errors, if any. Take the test again if you feel you can do better the second time. Bring your first version to class. We will use this dictation to review everything you have learned about pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and verbs in the recent weeks as well as the earlier material.
Week 13: [show/hide]
Advanced Russian: Chapter 1. Stories. Story 1-2 (A or B). (Михаил Веллер «Мимоходом»).
Use your corrected homework and answers to Self-Test 2 again to review. In class, you'll write a dictation similar to the one in Self-Test 2.
Read about Prepositions, Particles, and Conjunctions. Write a short letter to a friend or family member using as many of these rules as you can.
Week 14: [show/hide]
Сергей Довлатов. «Чемодан.». Прочитайте четвертую часть, Приличный двубортный костюм. Страницы 8 и 9 до слов «Я слышал об одном умельце.»
Каникулы - День Благодарения
Каникулы - День Благодарения
Week 15: [show/hide]
Сергей Довлатов. «Чемодан.». Прочитайте четвертую часть, Приличный двубортный костюм. Страниц 9, 10, 11
Read Место вашего рождения from «Слово о словах» Льва Успенского. Write a short essay about your family: where did you come from, what language(s) did you, your parents, and your grandparents speak before coming to the US, how did you all learn English, how English and your earlier languages co-exist in your family, and anything else that might occur to you in this respect.
Use this Review Guide in Acrobat (PDF) format as you review the material of the entire semester. If you like, use this online Self-Test 3 to identify your weak spots. If your computer doesn't play the sound correctly, use any PC in the language lab. Compare your results to the provided answers and analyze your errors, if any. In class, you will write a practice exam that is similar to the final exam.
Week 16: [show/hide]
Advanced Russian: Chapter 3. Interviews 3-8 (Сергей Довлатов: “ Злоключения искусствоведа.“).