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Slava Paperno (director)
Krystyna Golovakova
Raissa Krivitsky
Viktoria Tsimberov
Richard L. Leed (1929-2011)
Lora Paperno (retired)

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Russian 1121: Syllabus
  • Rooms and times (navigation bar on the left): when, where, and who
  • Course Description: materials, homework guide, tests, grading
  • Course evaluation form: online, any time, anonymous
  • Fonts: if Russian accented vowels are not displayed correctly, see note at the bottom of the window.
  • Homework: each row in this table shows the assignment for the day.
  • Printable view of this syllabus
Week 1: Sunday 08/25/24 - Saturday 08/31/24 [show/hide]

Each cells shows the homework that has to be done before the class.

The first two weeks of classes are different from the later routine, because it is difficult to separate reading, grammar, and conversation while you are still learning the alphabet and the sound system. There are additional notes in the syllabus after the second week. That's when you start watching videos.

No homework to prepare for today.

This is the homework that must be done before coming to class. Read Course Description (link at the top of this syllabus) for directions on doing each type of homework.
  1. Read & analyze: Les.1; Les.2:2 (English only). If you do not yet have the book, use this PDF of the first 8 Lessons.
  2. Listen, record, and submit: Lesson 1 in Web Audio Lab. Read about this in the Course Description (link at the top of this syllabus) and in About WAL under On-line Course Materials on the left.
Note about the 4-credit section 101: If you are enrolled in the 4-credit seminar (section) 101, you do not have to attend the Wednesday classes. Except for the first 2 Wednesdays, this is a review class where no new material is discussed. The first two Wednesdays of the semester are different: new material is introduced. If your schedule allows, try to attend these two unusual classes. At the very least, do the homework for them.
  1. Read & analyze: Les.2 (English; Russian alphabet) This link may help you learn the alphabet.
  2. Write (on paper or tablet): Les. 2 pp.5-9. This video is a good way to learn how to connect the letters. (Later, written homework will be submitted to the teacher in class, but not this one: the teacher will look at your writing but will not collect it.)
  3. Listen, record, and submit: Les.2 in Web Audio Lab.
  4. Memorize: names of letters (but not the order of the alphabet)
  1. Read & analyze: Les.3; Les.4
  2. Write: Les.3 pp.12-14. (The teacher will look at your writing but will not collect it this time.)
  3. Watch this 15-minute video by the voice teacher Carl Ratner on the palatalization of Russian consonants. (The video may be followed by another one on Russian vowels, but you do not have to watch that.)
  4. Listen, record, and submit: Les.3 in Web Audio Lab.
  1. Read & analyze: Les.5
  2. Write: Les.4 pp.17-18. (The teacher will look at your writing but will not collect it this time.)
  3. Listen, record, and submit: Les. 4 in Web Audio Lab
Week 2: Sunday 09/01/24 - Saturday 09/07/24 [show/hide]
Labor Day, no class
  1. Read & analyze: Les.6
  2. Write: Les.5 p.21. (The teacher will look at your writing but will not collect it this time.)
  3. Practice reading aloud: Les.6:1
  4. Listen, record, and submit: Les.5 in Web Audio Lab.
  5. Memorize: Les.5:5
Note about the 4-credit section 101: If you are enrolled in the 4-credit seminar (section) 101, you do not have to attend the Wednesday classes. Except for the first 2 Wednesdays, this is a review class where no new material is discussed. The first two Wednesdays of the semester are different: new material is introduced. If your schedule allows, try to attend these two unusual classes. At the very least, do the homework for them.
  1. Read & analyze: pp.24,25,26
  2. Practice reading aloud: Les.6:3
  3. Listen, record, and submit: Les. 6 in Web Audio Lab.
  1. Read & analyze: Les.7
  2. Write: Les.7:6. Starting with this exercise, always submit your writing in class.
  3. Practice reading aloud: Les.7:1,2,3
  4. Listen, record, and submit: Les.7 in Web Audio Lab.
  1. Read & analyze: Les.8
  2. Write: Les.8:6. Submit in class.
  3. Practice reading aloud: Les.8:1,2
  4. Listen, record, and submit: Les. 8 in Web Audio Lab.
  5. Memorize: numbers 1-10
Week 3: Sunday 09/08/24 - Saturday 09/14/24 [show/hide]
Сегћдня воскресљнье, восьмће сентябрї.
Review of Lessons 5-8 in the book
  1. Read Grammar Review I and if there is something you do not understand, be sure to ask about it in class.
  2. Practice reading aloud: Les.5:4; 6:4; 7:4
  3. Be prepared to perform: Les. 6:3, 7:1, 8:1
  4. Write (graded) 8:1 Speed test. (Write this one sentence substituting the 10 words for the blank. This is for practicing the Accusative forms as well as writing in Cyrillic. Submit in class. (This will not be repeated since it is always the case.)
  5. Memorize: the order of the alphabet
Things are changing! During the first two weeks of classes, it was difficult to separate reading, grammar, and conversation, because you were still learning the alphabet and the sound system. Now these components of the course will be more or less separate, and you'll have a different teacher for each kind of work:
  • Monday & Tuesday (Slava): grammar, writing, self-test quizzes
  • Wednesday (Raissa): exercises, sound recordings, memorization
  • Thursday & Friday: (Viktoria): video
All homework is explained in the Course Description (see link at the top of this syllabus).
  1. Read & analyze: Les. 9. In case you are still waiting for your copy of the book, here are Lessons 9-12 in PDF format.
  2. Write: Les 9:8.
  3. Practice reading aloud: Les 9:1,6
Review Lesson 9 in the book
  1. Practice performing or reading aloud: Les.9:6;
  2. Listen, record, and submit: Les.9 in Web Audio Lab.
  3. Write (graded) 9:3. Write this short dialog 5 times using the 5 substitution words given: вино, книга, etc.).
  4. Memorize: Les.9:4
  1. Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Intermission. Email it to your teacher, preferably on the night before the class but no later than 3 hours prior to the class.
    1. select Eralash in your WAL menu after the log-in
    2. select Intermission in the top menu and Entire Episode in the bottom menu
    3. click Go
    4. play the video, read the transcript, click unfamiliar words for dictionary entries (displayed in the References panel)
    5. write an English translation of the transcript
  2. read & practice the assignments in the other sections by selecting them from the bottom menu:
    1. Role Playing
    2. Exercise 1.1
    3. Discussion 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.
  1. Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: A Stray Dog. Email it to your teacher, preferably on the night before the class but no later than 3 hours prior to the class.
    If you missed the directions for doing this work, read Course Description (link at the top of this syllabus).
  2. Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1,2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Week 4: Sunday 09/15/24 - Saturday 09/21/24 [show/hide]
  1. Read & analyze: Les. 10
  2. Self-test Quiz to Lesson 10 in COLLT. When you complete this quiz and click Finish, your displayed score should be 12 points (1 point per blank).
    COLLT work is assigned for every Monday and Tuesday: log in to COLLT and practice grammatical endings by doing the fill-in-the-blanks Beginning Russian Quizzes exercises. This will let you test your understanding of many grammar and spelling principles. Click Finish when done: this will record and date your work and display your score. See also the COLLT FAQ.
  3. Listen, record, and submit: Les. 10 in Web Audio Lab.
  4. Write: Les 10:5.
  1. Read & analyze: Les. 11; Les. 12; pp. 37-38. In case you are still waiting for your copy of the book, here are Lessons 1-21 in PDF format. This is the last PDF we will provide.
  2. Self-Test Quiz to Lesson 11 and 12 in COLLT. After this, your score should be 60.
    If you missed the directions for doing this work, read Course Description or consult the similar assignment above.
  3. Write: Les. 11:6; Les. 12:4.
  4. Practice reading aloud: Les.11:1,3; Les.12:1
Review of Lessons 10-12 in the book
  1. Practice reading aloud: Les. 11:1; Les. 12:2,3
  2. Listen, record, and submit: Les. 11, Les. 12 in Web Audio Lab.
  3. Write (graded) 12:2.
  4. Memorize: Les.12:1
  1. Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: A Crazy Day
  2. Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: My summer Vacation
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Week 5: Sunday 09/22/24 - Saturday 09/28/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: Les.13, 14
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 13 & 14 in COLLT. After these quizzes your score should be 109.
Write: Les.13:6.
Practice reading aloud: Les. 13:4,5; 14:3,5
Read & analyze: Les. 15, 16
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 15 & 16 in COLLT. After these quizzes, your score should be 146.
Write: Start working on Review Paper 1 (print it from the link in the Course Description; do not copy-and-paste, or the Russian accented vowels will become unreadable).
Listen, record, and submit Les. 15 in Web Audio Lab.
Practice reading aloud: Les.15:1,2; Les.16:1,2,4
Review of Lessons 13-16 in the book
  1. Practice reading aloud: 13.2; 15.1; 16.2;
  2. Listen, record, and submit: 13.2,4; 14.4; 16.2, in Web Audio Lab. Note that for the rest of the semester, selected exercises from each Lesson--not entire Lessons--are assigned for recording. The link will take you to the first of the assigned exercises.
  3. Write (graded) 14:6.
  4. Memorize: Les. 16:1
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Brothers
Read & practice: Role Playing 2, 3, 5, 7, 8; Exercises 2.1, 2.2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Intersection
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Week 6: Sunday 09/29/24 - Saturday 10/05/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: Les. 17; Les. 18
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 17 & 18 in COLLT. After these quizzes, your score should be 170.
Write: Finish Review Paper #1.
Listen, record, and submit Les. 18 in Web Audio Lab.
Practice reading aloud: Les. 17:3,4; Les. 18:4
Read & analyze: Les. 19; Les. 20
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 19 & 20 in COLLT. Target score: 209.
Write: Les. 20:4.
Practice reading aloud: Les. 19:2,6 (don't write!); Les. 20:2,5
Review of Lessons 17-20 in the book
Practice reading aloud: 17.4; 18.1; 20.2;
Listen, record, and submit: (Note that for the rest of the semester, only selected exercises in each Lesson are assigned for recording.) 17.1; 17.2A; 19.3; in Web Audio Lab.
Write (graded) 17:5.
Memorize: Les. 19:1
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Freedom
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercise 1.1; Discussion 1.1.
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Lovers
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.3; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Week 7: Sunday 10/06/24 - Saturday 10/12/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: Les. 21; pp.60,62; Les. 22
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 21 & 22 in COLLT. Target score: 239.
Write: Les. 22:6.
Practice reading aloud: Les.21:2; Les.22:2
Read & analyze: Les. 23; Les. 24, Les 25 (yes, three Lessons)
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 23, 24, and 25 in COLLT. Target score: 309.
Write: Les. 23:6; Les. 24:5.
Listen, record, and submit Les. 23 in Web Audio Lab.
Practice reading aloud: Review on p.61
Review of Lessons 21-25 in the book
Practice reading aloud: Les. 21: 1; Les. 22: 1, 2, 3; Les. 24: 3; 25:6 (don't write!)
Listen, record, and submit: 21.1; 22.1, 2, 3 in Web Audio Lab.
Write (graded) 21:4.
Memorize: Les. 24:2
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Train Beggar
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Watch and review: Any film that has been covered so far.
Prepare a skit: Working with another student from your 1121 section, select any scene(s) from the film that you chose to review (above), memorize the dialog, and be prepared to perform it in class. You may make changes in the dialog and the story, if you like, but keep the vocabulary close to the original.
Week 8: Sunday 10/13/24 - Saturday 10/19/24 [show/hide]
Fall break
Fall break
No homework. In class: review Lessons 20 - 25.
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Big Bad Wolf
Read & practice: Role Playing in all scenes; Exercise 1.1; Discussion 1.1, 1.3.
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Gogol
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Week 9: Sunday 10/20/24 - Saturday 10/26/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: 26, 27; 28 (yes, three Lessons); page 79 (Nom. Plural.)
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 26, 27 & 28 in COLLT. Target score: 358.
Write: Les. 26:5 (from America, from my sister, etc.); 28:6.
Listen, record, and submit Les. 26 in Web Audio Lab.
Practice reading aloud: 27:2,3,5 (don't write!)
Read & analyze: 29; 30; pp.79,80
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 29 & 30 in COLLT. These review quizzes will require more time than usual. Target score: 465.
Write: 29:6; 30:7.
Practice reading aloud: 30:5
Review of Lessons 26-30 in the book
Practice reading aloud: Les. 29:2,3; 30:1,4,6;
Listen, record, and submit: 27.2; 28.3; 30.3; 30.5; in Web Audio Lab.
Write (graded) 27:5.
Memorize: 29:1
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Cinderella
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.3; Discussion 1.2, 1.3.
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Curious George
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Week 10: Sunday 10/27/24 - Saturday 11/02/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: 31; 32
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 31 & 32 in COLLT. Target score: 500.
Write: 31:3. Start working on Review Paper #2 (print it from a link in Course Description)
Listen, record, and submit Les. 32 in Web Audio Lab.
Practice reading aloud: 31:2, 32:4 (don't write!)
Read & analyze: 33; 34
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 33 & 34 in COLLT. Target score:534.
Write: Finish Review Paper 2.
Practice reading aloud: 34:4,5 (don't write!)
Review of Lessons 31-34 in the book
Practice reading aloud: 31.2; 32.2; 33:2,4; 34:1;
Listen, record, and submit: 31.1; 33.3; 34.1 in Web Audio Lab.
Write (graded) 32:4.
Memorize: 33:1
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Kefir
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.2, 1.4; Discussion 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: An Apple
Read & practice: Role Playing in all scenes; Exercises 1.1., 2.1 (the number before the period indicates the scene in a multi-scene episode); Discussion 1.2, 1.3 (in a multi-scene episode, the Discussion tab appears when you select "Entire episode").
Week 11: Sunday 11/03/24 - Saturday 11/09/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: 35; 36
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 35 & 36 in COLLT. Target score:567.
Write: 35:3,4 (write complete sentences). Note: You can use a format that allows you to avoid copying the same text, e.g. Вы едите икру/пьёте молоко/вернёте книги/вернётесь?
Practice reading aloud: 36:4 (don't write!)
Read & analyze: 37; 38; p.103,106
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 37 & 38 in COLLT. Target score: 595.
Write: 37:5 (1st part only); 38:3 (write complete sentences). Note: In 38:3, you can use a format that allows you to avoid copying the same text, e.g. О нём/ней/них.
Listen, record, and submit Les. 38 in Web Audio Lab.
Practice reading aloud: 38:4 (don't write!)
Review of Lessons 35-38 in the book
Practice reading aloud: 35.3; 36.1; 37:2,4; 38:1;
Listen, record, and submit: 35.1; 36.1; 37.2,4; in Web Audio Lab.
Write (graded) 36:4.
Memorize: 37:1
Watch and review: Any film that was covered over the weeks # 8, 9, 10 & 11
Prepare a skit: Working with another student from your 1121 section, select any scene(s) from the film that you chose to review (above), memorize the dialog, and be prepared to perform it in class. You may make changes in the dialog and the story, if you like, but keep the vocabulary close to the original.
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: A Piggy Bank
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.2; Discussion 1.1, 1.2.
Week 12: Sunday 11/10/24 - Saturday 11/16/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: 39; 40; p.104
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 39 & 40 in COLLT. Target score: 619.
Write: 39:5 (first part only: write 30 verb forms).
Listen, record, and submit Les. 39 in Web Audio Lab.
Practice reading aloud: 39:4, 40:4 (don't write!)
Start bringing «Что я видел» to all Slava's classes.
Read & analyze: p.105; p. 121 (Inst. case); 41; 42
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 41 & 42 in COLLT. Target score: 666.
Write: 41:5; 42:7.
Practice reading aloud: 42:2
Bring «Что я видел» to all Slava's classes.
Review of Lessons 39-42 in the book
Practice reading aloud: 39.1; 40.1,2; 41:1,4; 42:1;
Listen, record, and submit: 40.2; 41.1; 42.1; in Web Audio Lab.
Write (graded) 40:4.
Memorize: 41:1
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: A Present
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.1, 1.2; Discussion 1.2, 1.3.
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: A Phone Call
Read & practice: Role Playing in all scenes; Exercises 3.1., 4.1 (the number before the period indicates the scene in a multi-scene episode); Discussion 1.1, 1.2 (in a multi-scene episode, the Discussion tab appears when you select "Entire episode"). Watch & write an English translation:
Week 13: Sunday 11/17/24 - Saturday 11/23/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: 43; 44
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 43 & 44 in COLLT. Target score: 714.
Write: 43:5; 44:5 (1st part only).
Practice reading aloud: 43:2
Bring «Что я видел» to all Slava's classes.
Read & analyze: 45; 46
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 45 & 46 in COLLT. Target score: 746.
Write: 45:4. Note that Review Paper 3 is due next week.
Listen, record, and submit Les. 46 in Web Audio Lab.
Practice reading aloud: 46:5, 2nd part (don't write)
Review of Lessons 43-46 in the book
Practice reading aloud: 43.1; 44.3; 45:2,5; 46:4
Listen, record, and submit: 43.1; 44.3,4; 45.2 in Web Audio Lab.
Write (graded) 46:5.
Memorize: 46:1
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Committee
Read & practice: Role Playing in all scenes; Exercises 1.1., 2.1 (the number before the period indicates the scene in a multi-scene episode); Discussion 1.1, 1.2 (in a multi-scene episode, the Discussion tab appears when you select "Entire episode").
Watch & write an English translation: Eralash: Encounter
Read & practice: Role Playing; Exercises 1.2, 1.3; Discussion 1.2, 1.3.
Week 14: Sunday 11/24/24 - Saturday 11/30/24 [show/hide]
Read & analyze: 47; 48; p.121
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 47 & 48 in COLLT. Target score: 809.
Write: Finish Review Paper 3.
Practice reading aloud: 48:3,4
Read & analyze: 49; 50; p.122
Listen, record, and submit Les. 49 in Web Audio Lab.
Self-Test Quizzes to Lessons 49 & 50 in COLLT. Target score: 835.
Write: 49:5 (write complete sentences).
Thanksgiving break
Thanksgiving break
Thanksgiving break
Week 15: Sunday 12/01/24 - Saturday 12/07/24 [show/hide]
Grammar review class 1: go over all your written homework and review papers, note any issues that you do not fully understand or remember, or are likely to have trouble with at the final exam. Bring these notes and any questions to class. As you review for the exam, you may find these links useful: COLLT Review Lessons 10-50; Written Homework Review Lessons 10-50; Eralash Review; Review & Research Papers; note this description of the final exam.
Grammar review class 2: go over all your written homework and review papers, note any issues that you do not fully understand or remember, or are likely to have trouble with at the final exam. Bring these notes and any questions to class. As you review for the exam, you may find these links useful: COLLT Review Lessons 10-50; Written Homework Review Lessons 10-50; Eralash Review; Review & Research Papers; note this description of the final exam.
Review of Lessons 47-50 in the book
Practice reading aloud: 47:3,4 (don't write); 48:1,2,5; 49:2; 50:1
Listen, record, and submit: 47.3; 48.2; 50.1, 2 in Web Audio Lab.
Write (graded) 48:5.
Memorize: 47:1
Watch and review (Part 1): Any film that was covered this semester
Prepare a skit: Working with another student from your 1121 section, select any scene(s) from the film that you chose to review (above), memorize the dialog, and be prepared to perform it in class. You may make changes in the dialog and the story, if you like, but keep the vocabulary close to the original.
Watch and review (Part 2): Any film that was covered this semester
Prepare a skit: Working with another student from your 1121 section, select any scene(s) from the film that you chose to review (above), memorize the dialog, and be prepared to perform it in class. You may make changes in the dialog and the story, if you like, but keep the vocabulary close to the original.
Week 16: Sunday 12/08/24 - Saturday 12/14/24 [show/hide]
Grammar review class 3: go over all your written homework and review papers, note any issues that you do not fully understand or remember, or are likely to have trouble with at the final exam. Bring these notes and any questions to class. As you review for the exam, you may find these links useful: COLLT Review Lessons 10-50; Written Homework Review Lessons 10-50; Eralash Review; Review & Research Papers; note this description of the final exam.
Week 17: Sunday 12/15/24 - Saturday 12/21/24 [show/hide]
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If your browser does not display them correctly, follow these directions.
Dept. of Comparative Literature • Russian Language Program • 240 Goldwin Smith Hall • Cornell University • Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4155 • fax 607/255-8177 • email