Sound Recordings in Russian 1121/1122 and 1131/1132

What To Do On Day One

Recording Russian words and sentences is part of your homework for Russian 1121 (and 1122 in the spring, as well as 1131-1132). Use the online application called Web Audio Lab to make the recordings and upload them to our server. This is required homework, shown in the syllabus. The teacher will review your recordings by playing them from the server.

Web Audio Lab (WAL) by Slava Paperno can be used with several (but not all) modern browsers on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Chrome OS computers: Google Chrome (recommended), Opera, and Microsoft Edge. Safari is not supported. Firefox is iffy. Tablets and phones are not supported. If you are on campus, you can use the computers in the language lab in Stimson Hall, free of charge. If you are not in Stimson, your language lab is wherever you have a good internet connection. This involves paying (online with a credit card) a small per-semester fee. The first week or so access is free form everywhere.

The lab is located in the Language Resource Center in G-25 and G-27 Stimson Hall.

Directions for students of Russian:

Short version:

  1. register at
  2. receive your password by email and log in
  3. in the Where to? screen, sign up for your section of the course, CU > RUSSA 1121 (or 1122, or 1131-1132)
  4. log in again and click Beginning Russian
  5. do not ignore the request to Allow microphone access
  6. select your Lesson and Exercise

WAL screenshot

This is how your session will go:

If anything seems puzzling, read the WAL FAQ.

Long version: [show]

Find out what students in Russian 1121/1122 say about using Web Audio Lab.

Our home page is at