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Slava Paperno (director)
Krystyna Golovakova
Raissa Krivitsky
Viktoria Tsimberov
Richard L. Leed (1929-2011)
Lora Paperno (retired)

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Russian 2204: Syllabus
  • Rooms and times (navigation bar on the left): when, where, and who
  • Course Description: materials, homework guide, tests, grading
  • Course evaluation form: online, any time, anonymous
  • Fonts: if Russian accented vowels are not displayed correctly, see note at the bottom of the window.
  • Homework: each row in this table shows the assignment for the day.
  • Printable view of this syllabus
Week 1: Sunday 01/19/25 - Saturday 01/25/25 [show/hide]
No homework. In class: review of deverbal forms.
Lesson 10, Text (read in the book and listen here)
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episodes 10, 11 Episode 10 Episode 11

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes and record a short video. See Course Description (the link at the top) to learn how to do homework in this course.

Week 2: Sunday 01/26/25 - Saturday 02/01/25 [show/hide]
Lesson 10, Verbs. Complete the Lesson 10 exercises in COLLT's Intermediate Russian (achieving the score of 17) and record a short video. For notes on this homework, see Course Description and also the COLLT FAQ.
Lesson 10, Translation.
Lesson 11, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 12
Scenes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Episode 12
Scenes: 1, 2
Episode 12
Scenes: 3, 4
Week 3: Sunday 02/02/25 - Saturday 02/08/25 [show/hide]
Lesson 11, Verbs. Achieve the score of 72 in COLLT and do not forget to record a short video. (This reminder will not be repeated.)
Lesson 11, Translation.
Lesson 12, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 13
Scenes: 1, 2, 3, 4,5
Episode 13
Scenes: 1, 2,3
Episode 13
Scenes: 3, 4,5
Record a short video.
Week 4: Sunday 02/09/25 - Saturday 02/15/25 [show/hide]
Сегћдня воскресљнье, девїтое февралї.
Lesson 12, Verbs. Target score: 108. Do not forget to record a short video. (This reminder will not be repeated.)
Lesson 12, Translation.
Lesson 13, Text
Review Episodes 10, 11, 12. Make up and record your own skits. See Course Description for details (last paragraph of the Assignment for the Film class).
Week 5: Sunday 02/16/25 - Saturday 02/22/25 [show/hide]
февральские каникулы
февральские каникулы
Write English translations of the videos from previous assignment and work with these new videos:
В аптеке. Мнљ нужнђ пђчка вђты
В банке. Нђм нужнђ ипотљка
В салоне красоты. Скћлько с менї?
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episodes: 14, 15 Episode 14 Episode 15
Week 6: Sunday 02/23/25 - Saturday 03/01/25 [show/hide]
Lesson 13, Verbs. Target score: 157.
Lesson 13, Translation.
Mini-Videos (use these links or click the Mini-Videos link under On-line course materials)
У психиатра. Вђс нђдо расстрелїть
У психиатра. Небольшђя проблљма
У психиатра. Ї живџ не свољй жќзнью
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
Review Episodes 13, 14, 15, make up and record your own skits. See Course Description for the details.
Week 7: Sunday 03/02/25 - Saturday 03/08/25 [show/hide]
Verb review class for Lessons 10 - 13. Write several (3-4) questions about anything you like, using as many verbs from these Lessons as you can. In class you will ask these questions, and your classmates will answer them. Instead of writing your questions, you may meet with a classmate and write a dialog together, then perform it in class.
Midterm test (Lessons 10 - 13)
Lesson 14, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 16
Scenes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Episode 16
Scenes: 1, 2
Episode 16
Scenes: 3, 4
Week 8: Sunday 03/09/25 - Saturday 03/15/25 [show/hide]
Lesson 14, Verbs. Target score: 189.
Lesson 14, Translation.
Lesson 15, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 17
Scenes: 1, 2, 3
Episode 17
Scenes: 1, 2
Episode 17
Scenes: 2, 3
Week 9: Sunday 03/16/25 - Saturday 03/22/25 [show/hide]
Lesson 15, Verbs. Target score: 248.
Lesson 15, Translation.
Write English translations of the videos from previous assignment and work with these new videos:
В книжном магазине. По какћму шоссљ?
На войнљ. Ктћ победќл?
В библиотеке. Прозђик Фљдечкин
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
12 Chairs Interactive
Review Episodes: 16-17, make up and record your own skits.
Week 10: Sunday 03/23/25 - Saturday 03/29/25 [show/hide]
Verb review class for Lessons 14 - 15. Write several (3-4) questions about anything you like, using as many verbs from these Lessons as you can. In class you will ask these questions, and your classmates will answer them. Instead of writing your questions, you may meet with a classmate to write and record a dialog that you will also perform in class.
Internet: Read as much as you have time for; bring a device to class that you can use as we discuss the story: Интервью Зелинского.
Lesson 16, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 18
Scenes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Episode 18
Scenes: 1, 2, 3
Episode 18
Scenes: 4, 5, 6
Week 11: Sunday 03/30/25 - Saturday 04/05/25 [show/hide]
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
Week 12: Sunday 04/06/25 - Saturday 04/12/25 [show/hide]
Lesson 16, Verbs. Target score: 307.
Lesson 16, Translation.
Lesson 17, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 19
Scene 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Episode 19
Scene 1, 2, 3
Episode 19
Scene 3, 4, 5
Week 13: Sunday 04/13/25 - Saturday 04/19/25 [show/hide]
Lesson 17, Verbs. Target score: 346.
Lesson 17, Translation.
Write English translations of the videos from previous assignment and work with these new videos:
В банке. Крќзис
В мастерской. ТІсяча ключљй
Великие люди. В Москвљ 7 часћв See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
12 Chairs Interactive
Review Episode 18 and 19, make up and record your own skits.
Week 14: Sunday 04/20/25 - Saturday 04/26/25 [show/hide]
Verb review class for Lessons 16 - 17. Write several (3-4) questions about anything you like, using as many verbs from both Lessons as you can. In class you will ask these questions, and your classmates will answer them. Instead of writing your questions, you may meet with a classmate to write and record a dialog that you will also perform in class.
Internet: Read as much as you have time for; bring a device to class that you can use to read the story. Опасности, которые угрожают планете и человечеству в 2022 году
Lesson 18, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episodes: 20, 21 Episodes: 20, 21 Episodes: 20, 21
Week 15: Sunday 04/27/25 - Saturday 05/03/25 [show/hide]
Select as many bothersome (for you) verbs from all Lessons covered this semester (10 - 17) as you can. Write as many questions about anything as you need to cover these verbs. In class you will ask these questions, and your classmates will answer them. Unusual assignment (Lesson 17 does not have Verb exercises.): 12 Chairs Interactive. Review Episodes: 19-21, make up and record your own skits.
Lesson 18, Translation.
Write English translations of the videos from previous assignment and work with these new videos:
В универмђге. Мнљ нџжен стџл
В мастерскћй. Очкќ подобрђть
В продуктћвом магазќне. Їйца просрћчены
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
12 Chairs Interactive. Review Episodes: 19-21, make up and record your own skits.
Week 16: Sunday 05/04/25 - Saturday 05/10/25 [show/hide]
Unusual class (taught by Viktoria): 12 Chairs Interactive: Review Episodes for the entire semester (10-21), make up and record your own skits.
Week 17: Sunday 05/11/25 - Saturday 05/17/25 [show/hide]
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If your browser does not display them correctly, follow these directions.
Dept. of Comparative Literature • Russian Language Program • 240 Goldwin Smith Hall • Cornell University • Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4155 • fax 607/255-8177 • email