Rooms and times
RUSSA 1103
RUSSA 1121
RUSSA 1125-101
RUSSA 1131-1132
RUSSA 2203
RUSSA 3305
RUSSA 4413
RUSSA 6633
Note: for RUSSA 4433/4434, click RUSSA 6633/6634.

Slava Paperno (director)
Krystyna Golovakova
Raissa Krivitsky
Viktoria Tsimberov
Richard L. Leed (1929-2011)
Lora Paperno (retired)

Requirements, etc.
2016 survey

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Russian 1125-101 (non-native speakers): Syllabus
  • Rooms and times (navigation bar on the left): when, where, and who
  • Course Description: materials, homework guide, tests, grading
  • Course evaluation form: online, any time, anonymous
  • Fonts: if Russian accented vowels are not displayed correctly, see note at the bottom of the window.
  • Homework: each row in this table shows the assignment for the day.
  • Printable view of this syllabus

THESE ARE LAST year's meeting days! The meeting days/times for this semester will be set at the organizational meeting, see time and place on the Welcome page.

The assignments for the semester are not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Most assignments are posted a few of days before the class.

Week 1: Sunday 08/25/24 - Saturday 08/31/24 [show/hide]
Come to the organizational meeting for this TBA course to select the days and times to meet this semester. Click Welcome in the navigation bar to for the time and place of the meeting. Read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of automatic translators like Google Translate and other details of the course.
Read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of automatic translators and other details of the course. Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): Айтишные миллиарды. Из чего состоит бизнес Павла Дурова.
Week 2: Sunday 09/01/24 - Saturday 09/07/24 [show/hide]
Read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of automatic translators and other details of the course. Continue reading translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): «Боинг» дальше не идет. Американские астронавты остались на МКС без корабля.
Week 3: Sunday 09/08/24 - Saturday 09/14/24 [show/hide]
Week 4: Sunday 09/15/24 - Saturday 09/21/24 [show/hide]
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): Меню к столу переговоров. Как кулинария влияла на мировую политику? .
Week 5: Sunday 09/22/24 - Saturday 09/28/24 [show/hide]
Week 6: Sunday 09/29/24 - Saturday 10/05/24 [show/hide]
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): Идем в город изумрудный. В Москве открыли Троицкую линию метро .
Week 7: Sunday 10/06/24 - Saturday 10/12/24 [show/hide]
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): Нашёл Любовь на СВО. Доброволец встретил в Ростове свою будущую жену .
Week 8: Sunday 10/13/24 - Saturday 10/19/24 [show/hide]
Fall break
Midterm test
Week 9: Sunday 10/20/24 - Saturday 10/26/24 [show/hide]
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): «Формирует трутня». Почему учитель из Ростова против списывания.
Week 10: Sunday 10/27/24 - Saturday 11/02/24 [show/hide]
Week 11: Sunday 11/03/24 - Saturday 11/09/24 [show/hide]
Week 12: Sunday 11/10/24 - Saturday 11/16/24 [show/hide]
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): Жену нашел в Сибири. Как провидец Вольф Мессинг гастролировал по Союзу.
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): С милым рай в конуре. Квадроберы начали играть тематические свадьбы .
Week 13: Sunday 11/17/24 - Saturday 11/23/24 [show/hide]
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): Дрон «Князь Вандал» уничтожил БМП Bradley в Курской области . Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): Ответ всему Западу. Путин назвал условия ядерной войныСюжет
Week 14: Sunday 11/24/24 - Saturday 11/30/24 [show/hide]
Week 15: Sunday 12/01/24 - Saturday 12/07/24 [show/hide]
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class): Рис — не каша. Шеф-повар поделился секретами рассыпчатого плова .
Week 16: Sunday 12/08/24 - Saturday 12/14/24 [show/hide]
Сегћдня средђ, одќннадцатое декабрї.
Week 17: Sunday 12/15/24 - Saturday 12/21/24 [show/hide]
This Web site uses custom Russian fonts with accented vowels (ЂђЃ Љљѓ ЌќЊ, etc.).
If your browser does not display them correctly, follow these directions.
Dept. of Comparative Literature • Russian Language Program • 240 Goldwin Smith Hall • Cornell University • Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4155 • fax 607/255-8177 • email