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Russian 1103: Syllabus
  • Rooms and times (navigation bar on the left): when, where, and who
  • Course Description: materials, homework guide, tests, grading
  • Course evaluation form: online, any time, anonymous
  • Fonts: if Russian accented vowels are not displayed correctly, see note at the bottom of the window.
  • Homework: each row in this table shows the assignment for the day.
  • Printable view of this syllabus
Week 1: Sunday 08/24/25 - Saturday 08/30/25 [show/hide]
Read Course Description (link at the top of this syllabus). No homework.
Read, analyze, do substitutions and memorize in Chapter 1.
Dialogs: 1, 2, 5.
Week 2: Sunday 08/31/25 - Saturday 09/06/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions and memorize in Chapter 1.
Dialogs: 3, 4, 8.
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 1.
Dialogs: 6, 7, 11.
Week 3: Sunday 09/07/25 - Saturday 09/13/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 2.
Dialogs:1, 2, 3.
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 2.
Dialogs: 4, 6, 7.
Week 4: Sunday 09/14/25 - Saturday 09/20/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 3.
Dialogs: 1, 2, 3.
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 4.
Dialogs: 1, 2, 3.
Week 5: Sunday 09/21/25 - Saturday 09/27/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 4.
Dialogs: 7, 8, 9.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 5.
Dialogs: 5, 6, 8.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Week 6: Sunday 09/28/25 - Saturday 10/04/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 6.
Dialogs: 2, 6, 8.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

For this class, write and prepare to present in class three two-line dialogs: one with regard of food, eating or drinking (есть, пить, каша, вино, etc); another with regard of place/country (театр, пиццерия, Италия, etc); and another yet that has to do with a school related activity (читать, писать, делать домашнее задание, упраэнение, падеж, etc).
Week 7: Sunday 10/05/25 - Saturday 10/11/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 7.
Dialogs: 3, 6, 7.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 8. Dialogs: 3, 4, 8.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Week 8: Sunday 10/12/25 - Saturday 10/18/25 [show/hide]
Fall break, no class
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 9.
Dialogs: 5, 6, 12.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Week 9: Sunday 10/19/25 - Saturday 10/25/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 10 Dialogs: 3, 5, 10.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Chapter 11.
Dialogs: 1, 4, 10.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Week 10: Sunday 10/26/25 - Saturday 11/01/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Главђ 12.
Диалћги: 2, 3, 5.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Главђ 13.
Диалћги: 3, 5, 8.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Week 11: Sunday 11/02/25 - Saturday 11/08/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Главђ 14.
Диалћги: 3, 11, 12.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Главђ 15.
Диалћги: 3, 4, 11.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Week 12: Sunday 11/09/25 - Saturday 11/15/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Главђ 16.
Диалћги: 1, 7, 9.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Главђ 17.
Диалћги: 1, 2, 4.
Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.
Week 13: Sunday 11/16/25 - Saturday 11/22/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, do substitutions, and memorize in Главђ 17.
Диалћги: 6, 8, 9.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Read, analyze, and do substitutions in Главђ 18
Диалћги: 1, 2, 4.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

Week 14: Sunday 11/23/25 - Saturday 11/29/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, and do substitutions in Главђ 19
Диалћги: 4, 5, 8.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week

Thanksgiving - День Благодарения
Week 15: Sunday 11/30/25 - Saturday 12/06/25 [show/hide]
Read, analyze, and do substitutions in Главђ 20.
Диалћги: 4, 7, 10.

Write and bring to class your own 2-line dialog. Do your best to use the grammar and vocabulary that you have learned this week.

With your classmates, in pairs or in small groups, write, memorize, and prepare to act out a skit, at least four lines per actor. Use the vocabulary that you have learned in your Russian courses, pay attention to your pronunciation, and show your best grammar. Send your skit to the teacher prior to memorizing it so that the grammatical accuracy of it were insured.
Week 16: Sunday 12/07/25 - Saturday 12/13/25 [show/hide]
Week 17: Sunday 12/14/25 - Saturday 12/20/25 [show/hide]
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If your browser does not display them correctly, follow these directions.
Dept. of Comparative Literature • Russian Language Program • 240 Goldwin Smith Hall • Cornell University • Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4155 • fax 607/255-8177 • email