Slava Paperno (director)
Krystyna Golovakova
Raissa Krivitsky
Viktoria Tsimberov
Richard L. Leed (1929-2011)
Lora Paperno (retired)

Requirements, etc.
2016 survey

Language requirement
Fast and slow tracks
Advanced placement
Heritage/native speakers
Courses in the Fall
Courses in the Spring
Course ratings
Goals, test, etc.
RUSSA In Courses of Study
Russian Literature
Enrollment stats

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Choosing Russian language courses: fast & slow tracks
You can read about the A & S College foreign language requirement under Language requirement (in the navigation bar on the left), but regardless of the language requirement, you should consider one of these tracks for your first- and second-year Russian language studies (RUSSA in the Courses of Study and Rosters).
  • 1st year Intensive: 1103 + 1121 in the Fall, 1104 + 1122 in the Spring
  • 1st year non-Intensive: 1121 in the Fall, 1122 in the Spring
  • 2nd year Intensive: 1125 + 2203 in the Fall, 1126 + 2204 in the Spring
  • 2nd year non-Intensive: 2203 in the Fall, 2204 in the Spring
  • 2nd year "mostly reading; lighter load": 1125 in the Fall, 1126 in the Spring
The self-paced RUSSA 1131 and 1132 offer additional flexibility. Like 1121/1122, they can be combined with 1103/1104 and followed by 1125/1126 or 2203/2204. 1103/1104 cannot be taken by themselves. Auditing is not allowed in any RUSSA course.
RUSSA 1103/1104 are 2-credit courses.
RUSSA 1121 and 1122 are variable credit: 4 or 5 credits each.
RUSSA 1125 and 1126 are 2-credit courses.
RUSSA 1131 and 1132 are variable credit: 2 or 3 credits each.
RUSSA 2203/2204 are 4-credit courses.
Choose the sequence that best suits your goals.
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Dept. of Comparative Literature • Russian Language Program • 240 Goldwin Smith Hall • Cornell University • Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4155 • fax 607/255-8177 • email