Some words that have adjective endings may be used as nouns. For example, certain last names have adjectival endings (-ый, -ий or stressed -ћй). Also, certain adjectives that used to form phrases with nouns are now used in place of the entire phrase, e.g. вђнная кћмната has become simply вђнная.
Јто Толстћй. That's Mr. Tolstoy.
Ї говорќл о Толстћй. I was talking about Ms. Tolstoy.
У менї мнћго знакћмых. I have many friends (Lit., 'people I know.').
Note that the stressed ending -ћй (Толстћй) is ambiguous; it is both Nominative masculine and Prepositional feminine.
Here are more examples of adjectives used as last names. They provide the same information that can be found in the chart of case forms for regular adjectives.
  Masc. Fem. Plural Masc. Fem. Plural
N. Толстћй Толстђя ТолстІе Рќмский Рќмская Рќмские
A.= Gen.
G. Толстћго Толстћй ТолстІх Рќмского Рќмской Рќмских
P. Толстћм " " Рќмском " "
D. Толстћму " ТолстІм Рќмскому " Рќмским
I. ТолстІм " ТолстІми Рќмским " Рќмскими
  Masc. Fem. Plural
N. Холћдный Холћдная Холћдные
A.= Gen.
G. Холћдного Холћдной Холћдных
P. Холћдном " "
D. Холћдному " Холћдным
I. Холћдным " Холћдными