All long forms of adjectives are stressed on the same syllable as the Nominative Singular masculine form. The one English capital letter (S, E, or M) after the adjective headword in the dictionary 5000 Russian Words and The Russian Dictionary Tree tells you where the stress falls in the short forms and in the comparative from. For the short forms:
  • S means the stress is on the stem
  • E means the stress is on the ending
  • M means that in the feminine short form only, the stress moves from the stem to the ending
In cases where End stress would fall on the zero ending of the masculine short form, stress falls on the preceding vowel (e.g. смешнћй - смешћн).
For the comparative form, the rule is two-fold:
  • If the adjective stem ends in a velar consonant (к г х), then the ending will be -е, and the immediately preceding syllable will be stressed, no matter what the stress code is, e.g. жђркий - жђрче.
  • Otherwise:
    • if any short form is stressed on the ending, either obligatorily or optionally, then the stress will fall on the comparative ending -ље, e.g. живћй - живље
    • otherwise, i.e. if no short endings are ever stressed, then the comparative ending -ее is unstressed, e.g. сурћвый - сурћвее
Here are a few examples of the three patterns:
любќмый S смешнћй (о) E живћй M
любќм смешћн жќв
любќма смешнђ живђ
любќмы смешнІ жќвы
любќмее смешнље живље