Getting married:
said of a woman:
вІйти/выходќть зђмуж за + Acc.
said of a man:
женќться на + Prep.
said of a couple:
— За когћ вђша дћчь вІшла зђмуж?
"Who did your daughter get married to?"
— За Петрђ Ильичђ.
"Peter Ilyich."
— На кћм женќлся Пётр Ильќч?
"Who did Peter Ilyich marry?"
— На мољй дћчери.
"My daughter."
ВІйти is Pefective, and выходќть is Imperfective. When said of a man, the verb женќться serves as both Perfective and Imperfective; when said of a couple, the Perfective поженќться is used.
Ћн женќлся пїтого мђя.
He got married on May 5.
Онќ поженќлись пїтого мђя.
They got married on May 5.
Being married:
said of a woman:
онђ зђмужем за + Inst.
said of a man:
ћн женђт на + Prep.
said of a couple:
онќ женђты
Онђ зђмужем за Петрћм Ильичћм.
She is married to Peter Ilyich.
Ћн женђт на Нќне Степђновне.
He is married to Nina Stepanovna.
Онќ не женђты.
They're not married.