Љсли ћн придёт, мІ пољдем зђ город.
If he comes, we'll go to the country.
Љсли бы ћн пришёл, мІ бы пољхали зђ город.
If he were to come, we'd go to the country.
If he had come, we'd have gone...
Љсли бы Сђша не пришёл, бІло бы скџчно.
If Sasha weren't here, it would be boring.
БІло бы плћхо, љсли бы Сђша не пришёл.
It would have been bad if Sasha hadn't come.
Љсли бы ћн пришёл, мІ бы пољхали зђ город.
If he had come, we would have gone to the country. If he were to come, we would go to the country.
Љсли бы былђ вђнная, ї бы снялђ.
If there were a bath, I'd take it [this apartment]. Had there been a bath, I'd have taken it.