Some verbs that normally take an Accusative object require that the object be in the Genitive, when the action is negated.
— ТІ вќдишь на столљ рємки (Acc.)?
"Do you see the (small) wine glasses?"
— Гдљ рємки? Ї не вќжу на столљ рємок (Gen.).
"Where are the wine glasses? I don't see wine glasses on the table."
Often, one can use either Genitive or Accusative with negated verbs that otherwise take Accusative:
Ї не љм лџк (Acc.).
I don't eat onions.
Ї не љм лџка (Gen.).
(Same meaning.)
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© 1981,1982,1991 by R.L.Leed, A.D.Nakhimovsky, A.S.Nakhimovsky
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