The most versatile expression for 'both' is, to translate literally, 'both that one (the special adjective тћт) and the other (the ordinary adjective другћй).' These adjectives must be inflected to agree with the nouns they refer to:
— Какџю мџзыку тІ бћльше лєбишь, классќческую или совремљнную?
"Which kind of music do you like more, classical or modern?"
— Ї люблє и тџ, и другџю, нћ ї бћльше люблє совремљнную.
"I like both kinds, but I like modern more."
— А ї не люблє ни тџ, ни другџю.
"I don't like either one. (I like neither.)"
Note that the expression for 'neither,' above, is simply a negation of тћт and другћй, with the same requirement that they be inflected to agree with the nouns they refer to.
Another way to say 'both' is to repeat the phrase to which you are responding:
— ТІ лєбишь бутербрћды с сІром ќли с ветчинћй?
"Do you like cheese sandwiches or ham sandwiches?"
— Ї люблє и с сІром, и с ветчинћй, но бћльше с сІром.
"I like both kinds, but I like cheese sandwiches more."
— ТІ лєбишь ходќть на рабћту пешкћм ќли љздить на велосипљде?
"Do you like walking to work or riding a bike?"
— Ї люблє и ходќть, и љздить (or: и тћ, и другће), но бћльше люблє љздить на велосипљде.
"I like both, but I like riding more."
When 'both' refers to nouns or pronouns, i.e. to definite things or people (but not to properties, actions or complex situations), the word ћба can also be used. Ћба has a unique set of endings, see Numerals. In general, it is safer to use тћт и другћй: it cannot be used in any of the sentences above, but does work in those below.
— ТІ лєбишь крђсный цвљт ќли зелёный?
"Do you like the red color or the green color?"
— Ї ћба іти цвљта люблє.
"I like both of these colors."
— Хћчешь купќть іту открІтку ќли тџ?
"Do you want to buy this card or that other one?"
— Давђй кџпим ћбе.
"Let's buy both."
— Когћ тІ бћльше лєбишь: егћ ќли её?
"Who do you love more, him or her?"
— Ї люблє обћих.
"I love both [of them]."