A dozen or so unprefixed verbs of motion have two Imperfective forms. One of them (like идтќ/идџт, [irreg. past tense шёл]) is used for motion that goes in one direction and the other (like ходќть/хћдят) for any other motion, e.g. back-and-forth, round trips, or aimless motion.
The grammatical term for verbs of the type идтќ/идџт/шёл is One-way Imperfective and the term for verbs of the type ходќть/хћдят is Non-One-way Imperfective.
One-way: К какћму врачџ тІ идёшь? What doctor are you going to? (...are you now on your way to?)
Non-One-way: К какћму врачџ тІ хћдишь? What doctor are you going to? (...do you go to nowadays, do you visit regularly?)
One-way: Ї идџ в шкћлу. I'm going to school. I'm on my way to school.
Non-One-way: Ї хожџ в шкћлу. I'm going to school. I'm attending school.
You can translate these verbs as either 'come' or 'go', depending on the context:
One-way: Вћт ћн идёт. Here he comes. There he goes.
Non-One-way: Ї люблє ходќть в кинћ. I like to go to the movies.
Non-One-way: Вђся не хћдит на занїтия. Vasya doesn't come/go to classes.
You can translate ходќть as 'be walking, be walking around' in some contexts:
One-way: Ї егћ вќдел, когдђ ї шёл в пђрк. I saw him as I was going (on my way) to the park.
Non-One-way: Ї егћ вќдел, когдђ ї ходќл по пђрку. I saw him as I was walking around in the park.