Ї гулїл в пђрке с Ивђном Петрћвичем (Inst.).
I was strolling in the park with Ivan Petrovich.
хлљб с мђслом (Inst.).
bread and butter
Some of these с +Inst. phrases are often best translated with an English adjective + noun combinations:
рубђшка с длќнными рукавђми (Inst.).
a long-sleeved shirt, a shirt with long sleeves
бутербрћд с ветчинћй (Inst.).
a ham sandwich
Here are some examples of the use of the preposition с with Genitive case. The word Кџба, as well as the names of most other islands and many peninsulas, are на-nouns. Not all geographical на-nouns are islands, e.g. Алїска and, until its recently-won independence, Ukraine: на Украќне changed to в Украќне, which emphasized that country's new status.
Твћй учљбник упђл со столђ (Gen.).
Your textbook fell off the table.
Ћн недђвно вернџлся с Кџбы (Gen.).
He recently returned from Cuba.