In English we have a regular passive; almost any sentence can be turned into a passive this way: The man bit the dog The dog was bitten (by the man).
Russian is different in that it has a variety of structures corresponding to the English passive. One of them is the pseudo-passive, which consists of an object+verb+subject word order (Икрџ передалђ Мђша 'The caviar was passed by Masha').
Another such structure is the use of the 3rd person Plural with no Nominative subject:
Студљнтам (Dative) дадџт (3rd Plural) по їблоку. The students will be given an apple apiece.
Such sentences can be translated either as an English passive or with the English 'they' that means 'one', e.g., говорїт 'it is said, one says, they say'. Here are some more examples:
Говорїт, что ћн хорћший преподавђтель. They say he's a good teacher. (It is said that...)
В Канђде говорїт по-францџзски. French is spoken in Canada. (They speak French...)
Нђм зђдали ћчень трџдные вопрћсы. We were asked very hard questions. (They asked...)
Нђм сказђли, что зђвтра не бџдет контрћльной рабћты. We were told there wouldn't be any quiz tomorrow.
Јту статьє (Acc.) ужљ перевелќ. That article has already been translated.
Теђтр (Acc.) закрІли. The theater has been closed.
Библиотљку (Acc.) закрІли. The library has been closed.
Стакђны (Acc.) постђвили на стћл. The glasses were put on the table.