A few adjectives match up with another adjective which has a meaning that includes the notion of 'superlative'. Here are two such match-ups:
Adjective 1 Comparative Adjective 2
хорћший 'good' лџчше 'better' лџчший 'best'
плохћй 'bad' хџже 'worse' хџдший 'worst'
Сђмый can be used before such adjectives, so that there are three ways of saying 'best/worst':
Јто лџчший ресторђн в гћроде. That's the best restaurant in town.
Јто сђмый лџчший ресторђн в гћроде. That's the very best restaurant in town.
Јто сђмый хорћший ресторђн в гћроде. That's the best restaurant in town.