The normal Perfective partner of идтќ/ходќть, љхать/љздить, летљть/летђть is formed with the prefix по- on the One-way verb. This prefix may also be used to refer to the beginning of the action ('start going, set out').
The special Perfective with the prefix с- on the Non-One-way verb means 'quick round trip.'
Perfective Special Perfective (quick round trip)
Ћн пошёл домћй. He went home (on foot; and he is probably there now, or else is on his way home). пойтќ сходќть Ћн сходќл домћй. He went home (on foot; and came back).
Ћн пољхал домћй. He went home (by some vehicle; and he is probably there now, or else he is on his way home). пољхать съљздить Ћн съљздил домћй. He went home (by some vehicle; and he is back now).
Ћн полетљл домћй. He took a flight home (and he is probably there now, or else he is on his way home). полетљть слетђть Ћн слетђл домћй. He flew home (and is back now).
The prefix от- is often used as the normal Perfective of нестќ/носќть 'carry (on foot),' везтќ/возќть 'carry (by vehicle),' вестќ/водќть 'lead, take (on foot),' because по- with them is used exclusively in reference to the beginning of the action ('start carrying, set out carrying').