of the basic case endings lists the ending for Genitive Plural of #-declension nouns as -ов/-ей. Here is a more detailed description:
-oв after plain consonants (e.g. стакђн - стакђнов)
-ев/-ёв after /y/ (e.g. музљй - музљев, бћй - боёв)
-ћв/-ев after ц (e.g. отљц - отцћв, нљмец - нљмцев)
-ей after palatalized consonants and ч щ ш ж (e.g. учќтель - учителљй, мїч - мячљй)
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© 1981,1982,1991 by R.L.Leed, A.D.Nakhimovsky, A.S.Nakhimovsky
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