Week 1:
Sunday 01/19/25
Saturday 01/25/25
No class. Come to the organizational meeting.
Лев Толстой «После бала»
Web sites: Investing in a Russian news website. You are an investor who wants to buy a major Russian news/current events website. Visit several such ".ru" sites and find one that you would like to buy.
Type a draft that describes the website you want (including the changes you might make to it), and AFTER THAT use an AI bot as stated in the Course Description: ask it to repair your grammar, to edit your texts in a different style or for a different audience, etc. Prepare a short presentation (a few minutes) based on these variants, including an explanation of how the bot helped you. Paste your text, or some notes for your presentation, in the shared Google Docs folder for the course, "Russian 3304 S '24 / Assigned for the Week of 01/21/24." |
Week 2:
Sunday 01/26/25
Saturday 02/01/25
Документальный фильм «Интервью из Швеции» transcript; watch
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Часть 1: Причины эмиграции
2) Individual assignments:
2) Individual assignments: |
Александр Куприн "Куст сирени"
Web sites: Your hobby.
You have a hobby and want to find people on the Russian Internet
with the same hobby. You decided to create a website with useful and/or fun information about it--perhaps an anecdote or two, some tips and advice, links to online stores that cater to people with the same interests, etc. Describe your idea for a website the way you would describe it for a web developer. Prepare a presentation (a few minutes) on this project.
Post in the shared Google Docs folder "Russian 3304 S '24/Assigned for the Week of 01/28/24," the texts that show the way you worked on this assignment:
1) In document [Your Name] (1) Unassisted Draft, post he draft that you wrote on your own. For example, "Я люблю читать детективные романы. Это мое хобби. Я нашла два интересных русскоязычных сайта в сети для любителей детективов, но все детективы, которые там обсуждают, это переводы с английского. В русской литературе тоже есть много интересных детективов, например.... Я хочу сделать сайт о русских детективах. Самый известный русский автор детективов — Достоевский. Но о нем всегда говорят как о русском классике психологической литературы. А на моем сайте Достоевский будет... 2) Попросите AI bot: Исправь грамматические ошибки в этом тексте [paste your draft], and place the output in document [Your Name] (2) AI variants. Then ask the bot: Перепиши этот текст для подростков [paste the correct-grammar variant], and place the output in the same document. Then ask the bot for some other variant or two, e.g. a shorter variant, or a longer one, or a more academic one, and so on. Place those in the same document. Now you have a document with several variants of your story, all edited by the bot. 3) In the document called [Your Name] Analysis and final story, write a few thoughts on the variants you now have: why did the bot make these changes in the grammar of your draft? why did it change some of your original phrases in the teenager variant? in the academic variant? which of the changes did you like, and which ones you didn't? Then, in the same document, compile the final version of your story, combining some of your original text and the parts of the AI-generated texts that you like. (This note applies to all website classes this semester and will not be repeated.) |
Week 3:
Sunday 02/02/25
Saturday 02/08/25
Документальный фильм «Интервью из Швеции» transcript; watch
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Часть 3: Работа
2) Individual assignments: |
Антон Чехов «Анна на шее» Part I
Some of you expressed an interest in the 1954 film based on this story. |
Web sites: an item to sell. You, a website owner and designer, have an item to sell. Visit several Russian websites that sell cars, real estate, stamp collections, furniture, pets--anything for the consumer--and study the language and the approach. Once you've seen how other Russian websites advertise their goods, plan how you would design a web page that sells something. In class, tell the group about it. Provide as many enticing details as you can. As always for the website class, post the texts you created on the shared Google Doc page. (Read the assignment for Week 2 if you haven't yet seen it.) |
Week 4:
Sunday 02/09/25
Saturday 02/15/25
Документальный фильм «Интервью из Швеции» transcript; watch
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Часть 4: Общение
2) Individual assignments: |
Антон Чехов «Анна на шее» Part II
Some of you expressed an interest in the 1954 film based on this story. |
Web sites: a business to sell.
You, a website owner and designer, want to sell a business (a store, a private school, a factory, a bank, an airline, etc.).
Study Russian websites that advertise businesses. Collect the expressions and promotional devices they
use and describe your own Web page. As always for the website class, post the texts you created on the shared Google Doc page. (Read the assignment for Week 2 if you haven't yet seen it.)
You do not have to actually design a nice-looking Web page. Just decide what you want to show, and perhaps draw a very rough diagram on a piece of paper. |
Week 5:
Sunday 02/16/25
Saturday 02/22/25
февральские каникулы
Иван Бунин «Темные аллеи»
Web sites: an item to buy. You, a website owner and designer, want to buy some consumer
Write a detailed "wanted" ad for a car, a house, a piece of furniture, or whatever you want to buy,
based on the language and style of similar ads on the Russian Internet. Present it in class
and be prepared to deal with "offers" from your classmates: they may ask pertinent questions! Post your texts in Google Docs. (This reminder will not be repeated below.)
Week 6:
Sunday 02/23/25
Saturday 03/01/25
Документальный фильм «Интервью из Швеции» transcript; watch
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Часть 5: Праздники, и как остаться русским в эмиграции Часть 6: Маленькие истории
2) Individual assignments: |
Максим Горький «В сочельник»
Web sites: Reactions on the street to the Ukraine War.
You, a website owner and designer, decided to create a webpage that shows the reaction of ordinary, randomly selected Russians to their country's aggression against Ukraine. Search YouTube, Facebook, or any other sources for short street interviews that can serve as a slice of public opinion on your page. Write a description of your website and tell the class about these interviews, explain why you chose them and how you would present them on your website.
Week 7:
Sunday 03/02/25
Saturday 03/08/25
Дискуссия на тему: Америка — страна эмигрантов. Используя материалы фильма «Интервью из Швеции», известные вам
публикации в прессе или семейные истории, подготовьте доклад на 7-8 минут. Будьте готовы отстаивать свою точку зрения.
Андрей Платонов «Песчаная учительница»
Parts 1-3
Web sites: a Help Wanted ad. You, a website owner and designer, want to place a Vacancy announcement for an organization that needs to hire a new employee.
Explain how you would advertise a position in a school, business, community, etc., in the style of similar ads on Russian websites.
Week 8:
Sunday 03/09/25
Saturday 03/15/25
Фильм «Благословите женщину»: transcript; watch online.
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Here and below, the breakdown into Parts and Scenes may not be obvious when you watch the movie unless you also use the online transcript, where time is indicated for each Scene as it is shown on the video screeen.
Part 1.
2) Individual assignments:
Student #1 3) Prepare to act out the following scenes: |
Андрей Платонов «Песчаная учительница»
Parts 4-5
Web sites: looking for employment. You are looking for a job.
Write a resume in the style (and content) similar to those posted on Russian websites by people who look for work. Present your resume/qualifications on class. A classmate may want to hire you, so try to make a good impression!
Week 9:
Sunday 03/16/25
Saturday 03/22/25
Фильм «Благословите женщину»: transcript; watch online
1) Assignment for everyone:
Watch and understand, prepare questions: Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. 2) Individual assignments: 3) Prepare to act out the following scenes: |
Александр Солженицын: Двучастные рассказы. Молодняк 1
Web sites: CONTINUE looking for employment. You have found your dream job. Prepare the texts you will send to respond to the job posting: your resume, cover letter, statement of purpose, any supplementary materials. Insist that the AI bot prepare these documents in a targeted way rather than as a generic template.
Week 10:
Sunday 03/23/25
Saturday 03/29/25
Фильм «Благословите женщину»: transcript; watch online.
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Part 6. Part 7. 2) Individual assignments:
3) Prepare to act out the following scenes: |
Александр Солженицын: Двучастные рассказы.
Молодняк 1. Читать со слов: "Удачно свалив сопромат, Лёшка Коноплёв с охоткой подъединился к товарищам, шедшим в тот вечер в дом культуры Ленрайсовета." до Молодняк 2.
Web sites: running a school.
You, a website owner and designer, operate a school in Russia (at any level), or perhaps want to start one.
Plan a web page with a mission statement and a policy paper for your school: how will it be different from existing schools? what curriculum will you offer? what fees will you charge? how will you review the applicants? Base your presentation on existing Russian sites.
Week 11:
Sunday 03/30/25
Saturday 04/05/25
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
весенние каникулы
Week 12:
Sunday 04/06/25
Saturday 04/12/25
Фильм «Благословите женщину»: transcript; watch online.
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Part 8. Part 9. 2) Individual assignments: 3) Prepare to act out the following scenes: |
Александр Солженицын: Двучастные рассказы. Молодняк 2
Web sites: choosing a tour. You want to travel somewhere in Russia. Find a few Russian websites that advertise tours, select the one you want to take and present it in class. Explain where you'll go, describe the costs and terms, talk about the local attractions, and what you'll be doing there.
Week 13:
Sunday 04/13/25
Saturday 04/19/25
Фильм «Благословите женщину»: transcript; watch online.
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. 2) Individual assignments: 3) Prepare to act out the following scenes: |
Сергей Довлатов «Приличный двубортный костюм», прочитайте стр. 8-9, до слов: “Ответственный секретарь говорит:
— Напиши про мать-героиню.”
Web sites: attract tourists to your travel agency. You, a travel agent, organize tours around Russia. Plan a promotional Web page for several tours offered by your company.
Week 14:
Sunday 04/20/25
Saturday 04/26/25
Фильм «Благословите женщину»: transcript; watch online.
1) Assignment for everyone: Watch and understand, prepare questions: Part 13. Part 14. Part 15. Part 16. 2) Individual assignments: 3) Prepare to act out the following scenes: |
Сергей Довлатов «Приличный двубортный костюм», прочитайте до конца.
Web sites: a web site for a movie theater.
You own and operate a movie theater in Russia. Look for American movies that are shown in the U.S. these days and plan a Web page for the Russian public to advertise some of these movies. Create a schedule of show times, brief descriptions of the movies you are showing, names of the stars. Base the style of your website on Russian sites of this kind.
Week 15:
Sunday 04/27/25
Saturday 05/03/25
For this class prepare 5-8 min critical review on either of the films you have been watching this spring semester. Make presentation in class.
For this class prepare 5-8 min critical review on either of the stories you have been reading this spring semester. Make presentation in class.
Web sites: looking for a good school to enroll in.
You want to study some subject in a Russian college, institute, or university.
Find a school in Russia that you would like to enroll in and prepare a presentation about it; why do you want to study there? what courses would you take? what would you expect of your education?
Week 16:
Sunday 05/04/25
Saturday 05/10/25
This semester you were introduced to several Russian women: first, the four women in the documentary “Interviews from Sweden”, and then the three main female characters in the fiction film “Bless the Woman.” and different female characters in the reading class. For this last class, prepare a 5-8 min. presentation about an American female character based on literature, films or real life (a member of your family, or any other woman who has influenced you). Draw a comparison to the Russian women you met in this course.
Week 17:
Sunday 05/11/25
Saturday 05/17/25