Fall 2024 Schedule: Russian Language Courses (RUSSA)
Classes start on Monday August 26, 2024.
All classes are 50 minutes long unless this schedule indicates otherwise.
Enrollment: online in Student Center; if you have a time conflict that we can work around, fill out and submit
this form.
Our offices are in the suite that includes Rooms 207, 211, 213 in Klarman Hall.
(If you come in the main entrance, bear left, then turn right; we are on the street level.)
Instructor contact information, Zoom coordinates, and office hours:
Krystyna Golovakova K211 Klarman Hall, kg463@cornell.edu, hours: Wed 1:15-2:15;
for an occasional Zoom meeting, send email.
Building codes:
KLR = Klarman, GSH = Goldwin Smith, MCG = McGraw, MRL=Morrill, STM = Stimson, RCK=Rockefeller, URH=Uris;
all building codes;
campus maps)
time |
course |
10:10 RK
GSH 162 |
10:10 RK
GSH 162 |
1121-101 (4 creds.)
3:35 SP
GSH 162 |
3:35 SP
GSH 162 |
3:35 VT
GSH 162 |
3:35 VT
GSH 162 |
M 2:30-3:20
T 4:30-5:20
W 3:35-4:25
R 4:30-5:20
F 11:15-12:05
1121-102 (5 creds.)
2:30 SP
KLR K209 |
4:30 SP
KLR K209 |
3:35 RK
KLR K209 |
4:30 VT
KLR K209 |
11:15 VT
KLR K209 |
M 12:20-1:10
T 6:40-7:30
WF 10:10-11:00
12:20 VT
KLR K209 |
6:40 SP
KLR K209 |
10:10 RK
KLR K209 |
10:10 VT
KLR K209 |
TW 4:40-5:30
4:40 VT
KLR KG44 |
4:40 VT
KLR KG44 |
M 4:45-5:15
T 5:30-6:00
W 4:45-5:15
R 5:40-6:10
aka Group A 2 cr.
4:45 SP
KLR K209 |
5:30 SP
KLR K209
4:45 SP
KLR K209
5:40 SP
KLR K209 |
M 1:25-2:05
T 5:35-6:15
W 12:20-1:00
R 4:40-5:20
aka Group B 3 cr.
1:25 KG
KLR KG44 |
5:35 KG
12:20 KG
KLR KG44 |
4:40 KG
KLR KG44 |
M 7:00-7:50, R 4:40-5:30 (2 cred)
W 4:40-5:30 (1 add'nal cred)
7:00 SP
GSH 160
4:40 RK
MRL 102
4:40 SP
GSH 156
M 3:35-4:25
R 1:25-2:15
3:35 VT
KLR K209 |
1:25 VT
KLR K209 |
TBA means "time to be arranged" (to accommodate as many students as we can).
Come to our Organizational Meeting to arrange these times. The time and place of the meeting
are posted under Current Announcements (click Welcome in the navigation bar on the left).
Current events, news, politics:
visit our Facebook page
for regularly posted links to interesting current articles from various publications around the world, mostly in English.