Russian 3303: Syllabus for 2015
Week 1: [show/hide]
No class--come to the organizational meeting (see above) to arrange the meeting days and times.
No assignment. Come to class (see Rooms and times) to talk with your reading teacher and get started.
Week 2: [show/hide]
No assignment. Come to Noyes Lodge (upper level by the fireplace) to talk about the techniques to be used in this part of the course.
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
«Майкл и Светлана»:
Часть 1. Он
Часть 2. Она
1.Prepare for a general discussion.

2. For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Чтение 1
Read the text at the above link. Each such link displays your assignment for one reading class and includes English glosses. See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
Week 3: [show/hide]
День Труда, отдыхайте.
«Майкл и Светлана»:
Часть 3. Первая встреча.
Часть 4. Первые проблемы.
1.Prepare for a general discussion.

2. For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

[assignments to be moved up for 2015]
Week 4: [show/hide]
Write a draft of a new essay. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
«Майкл и Светлана»:
Часть 5. Оазис
Часть 6. Барби
1.Prepare for a general discussion.

2. For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Чтение 2
Read the text at the above link. Each such link displays your assignment for one reading class and includes English glosses. See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
Week 5: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
«Майкл и Светлана»:
Часть 7. Америка
Часть 8. Здесь всё не то
Часть 9. Муж и жена
1.Prepare for a general discussion.

2. For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 6: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
Panel discussion: "International marriages" (Международные браки). In preparation for this discussion, write an essay (1.5-2 pp., printed double-spaced). Include your analysis of the events and attitudes in «Майкл и Светлана». If you know someone who has experience with international marriages, you may want to interview them and include your findings in your essay, or discuss anything relevant that you may know from books, etc. For the panel discussion, be prepared to start with a 5-minute presentation on the subject.
Week 7: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
For this class watch all the episodes listed below, then study more carefully the episode assigned for you. See Course Description for the links to the film and details on working in pairs.
«Newsmaker kit: Children from Russia» (Сумка репортёра — Дети из России):
Ролик 1. Миша Балашов (4 мин.) (Students 1, 2 & 9)
Ролик 2. Интервью с Шепетиновским и Волковой о судьбе воспитанников детских домов (2 мин. 40 сек.) (Students 3, 4 & 10)
Ролик 3. Алеся Комиссарова (8 мин. 40 сек.) (Students 5, 6, 7 & 8)
Week 8: [show/hide]
Осљнние канќкулы
Осљнние канќкулы
Осљнние канќкулы
Week 9: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
For this class watch all the episodes listed below, then study more carefully the episode assigned for you. See Course Description for the links to the film and details «Children from Russia» (Дети из России):
Ролик 4. Интервью с Ниной Григорьевной о международном усыновлении (3 мин. 10 сек.) (Students 1, 2 & 9)
Ролик 6. Карманов о тайне усыновления (3 мин. 50 сек.) (Students 3, 4 & 10)
Ролик 7. Карманов о российском усыновлении и судьбе воспитанников детских домов (7 мин.) — 1-ый, 2-ой, 3-ий, 4-ый и 5-ый вопросы. (Students 5, 6, 7 & 8)
Л. Улицкая “Детство сорок девять”. Капустное чудо.
Week 10: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
For this class watch your Ролик. Prepare to tell your part of the story in class. You may be asked to tell the story from the point of view of any character. See Course Description for the links to the film and details on working in pairs.
«Children from Russia» (Дети из России):
Ролик 9. Оля Калинина, день первый: история девочки и ее альбом (8 мин. 50 сек.) (Students 1, 2 & 9)
Ролик 10. Оля Калинина, день второй: знакомство с родителями (первые 9 мин.) (Students 3, 4 & 10)
Ролик 10. (вторая половина, начиная с ЗАГСА) (Students 5, 6, 7 & 8)
Чтение. Л. Улицкая “Детство сорок девять”. Восковая уточка
Week 11: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
For this class watch all the episodes listed below, then study more Panel discussion: Adoption of children in Russia and America.
For this class, watch this one part:
Ролик 11. Оля Калинина, день третий: прощай Россия (20 мин. 30 сек.)
In preparation for this discussion, write an essay (1.5-2 pp., printed double-spaced). Include your analysis of the events and attitudes in the film. If you know someone who has experience with adoption, you may want to interview them and include your findings in your essay, or discuss anything relevant that you may know from books, etc. For the panel discussion, be prepared to start with a 5-minute presentation on the subject.
Чтение. Л. Улицкая «Детство сорок девять». Дед-шептун
Week 12: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
For this class watch all the episodes listed below, then study more carefully the episode assigned for you.
Life on Atomic River. See Course Description or Online course materialsfor the link to the film.
Часть 1. «Просто так не умирает никто» (8 мин.) (Students 1, 2 & 9)
Часть 2. «Река заражена» (4 мин.) (Students 3, 4 & 10)
Часть 3. «Это было в 57-ом году» (8 мин.) (Students 5, 6, 7 & 8)
Чтение. Л. Улицкая «Детство сорок девять». Гвозди
Week 13: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
For this class watch all the episodes listed below, then study more carefully the episode assigned for you.
Life on Atomic River. See Course Description or Online course materialsfor the link to the film.
Часть 5. «Дети у нас болеют» (6 мин.) (Students 1, 2 & 9)
Часть 7. «Чего бояться?» (5 мин) (Students 3, 4 & 10)
Часть 9. «Хорошее дело сделали» (4 мин.) (Students 5 & 6)
Часть 10: «Наши корни здесь» (4 мин) (Students 7 & 8)
Чтение. Л. Улицкая «Детство сорок девять». Счастливый случай
Week 14: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write a new draft. You may write about the film you're working on with Viktoria, or about anything else in your life (real or imagined). You will continue working on the draft in class.
Panel discussion: Russia vs. the USA on issues of government, people, and personalities.
Offer your analysis of the events and attitudes in the film. If you know of some events that may be used as an illustration, be prepared to talk about them. Be prepared to start with a 5-minute presentation on the subject.
Занятий нет, День Благодарения.
Week 15: [show/hide]
Review Slava's final corrections of last week's essay, write your last draft essay.
Panel discussion on the events, issues, and attitudes in the films you watched this semester in this course. In preparation for this discussion, write an essay (1.5-2 pp., printed double-spaced). Write about the aspects that were of the most interest to you. If you see any connection between the people in the films and the characters in your reading this semester, include your observations in that regard. You may also include anything relevant that you know from books, other courses, etc. For the panel discussion, be prepared to start with a 5-minute presentation on the subject.
Чтение. Л. Улицкая «Детство сорок девять». Бумажная победа
Week 16: [show/hide]