Russian 2203: Syllabus
Week 1: Sunday 08/25/24 - Saturday 08/31/24 [show/hide]
No homework. In class: get (re-)acquainted and look at a typical Lesson structure in the textbook.
If you have not yet bought your copy of Intermediate Russian for this course, start by using this PDF version of the first two Lessons.
See Course Description (the link at the top of this Syllabus panel) for directions on doing this homework, section "Assignment for the WWW class" at the bottom.
WWW class. Read and understand as much of this story as you can in about an hour. «Мне до сих пор сложно» Россиянка переехала в Финляндию. You do not need to write anything, but if you find it useful, take notes on the difficult parts.
Lesson 1, Text. See Course Description (the link at the top of this Syllabus panel) to find out how to do this homework. If you have not yet bought your copy of Intermediate Russian for this course, use this PDF version of the first two Lessons.
Lesson 1, Verbs. See Course Description (the link at the top of this Syllabus panel) to find out how to do all homework. Consult COLLT FAQ if you have a technical question. Expected COLLT score: 34. If you have not yet bought your copy of Intermediate Russian for this course, use this PDF version of the first two Lessons. Note: Verbs are usually assigned for Monday, but this week Labor Day interferes with our work.
Week 2: Sunday 09/01/24 - Saturday 09/07/24 [show/hide]
День труда, занятий нет. Отдыхайте.
Lesson 1, Translation. Write or type. Submit to the teacher in class.
Lesson 2, Text.
See Course Description (the link at the top of this Syllabus panel) for directions on doing this homework.
Mini-Videos (use these links or click the Mini-Videos link under On-line course materials)
Велќкие лєди. Стђлин у глазнћго врачђ
На вокзђле. Провљрка докумљнтов
В шкћле. Ктћ іто написђл?
Week 3: Sunday 09/08/24 - Saturday 09/14/24 [show/hide]
Lesson 2, Verbs. Expected COLLT score: 167.
Lesson 2, Translation.
Lesson 3, Text
If you are still waiting for your copy of Intermediate Russian, use this PDF version of Lessons 3 and 4.
Mini-Videos (use these links or click the Mini-Videos link under On-line course materials)
В прђчечной-химчќстке. Рубђшечку сдђть мћжно?
Телевизићнные нћвости. Пћздние нћвости
В автосљрвисе. Нђдо мђсло поменїть
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
Week 4: Sunday 09/15/24 - Saturday 09/21/24 [show/hide]
Lesson 3, Verbs. Expected COLLT score: 212.
Lesson 3, Translation
Mini-Videos (use these links or click the Mini-Videos link under On-line course materials)
В зњомагазќне. С днём рождљния, кћтик!
Милќция. МентІ из Брїнска
В прђчечной-химчќстке. Костєм готћв?
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
Mini-Videos (use these links or click the Mini-Videos link under On-line course materials)
На рІнке. На базђре: Пакљт љсть?
В продуктћвом магазќне. Гдљ кђсса?
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
Week 5: Sunday 09/22/24 - Saturday 09/28/24 [show/hide]
Verb review day for Lessons 1 - 3. See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
Lesson 4, Text
Film class: 12 Chairs Interactive (see Course Description to learn how to get an account at Lexicon Bridge Publishers and what to do for this homework.)
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 1
Scenes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Episode 1, Scenes: 1, 2.
Questions: Где живёт и работает Ипполит Матвеевич?
Какую тайну Клавдия Ивановна открыла Ипполиту Матвеевичу?
Episode 1, Scenes: 3, 4
Questions: Какую историю отец Фёдор рассказал своей жене?
О чём мечтает Ипполит Матвеевич?

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 6: Sunday 09/29/24 - Saturday 10/05/24 [show/hide]
Lesson 4, Verbs. Expected COLLT score: 298.
Lesson 4, Translation
Lesson 5, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 2
Scenes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Episode 2, Scenes: 1, 2, 3
Questions: Остап Бендер был богатый человек?
Episode 2, Scenes: 4, 5, 6
Questions: Какая еда стоит на столе в дворницкой?

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 7: Sunday 10/06/24 - Saturday 10/12/24 [show/hide]
Lesson 5, Verbs. Expected COLLT score: 371.
Lesson 5, Translation
Lesson 6, Text
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 3
Scene 1, 2
Episode 3, Questions:
Как Остап пугает Ипполита Матвеевича?
Episode 3, Questions:
Какой договор заключили компаньоны?

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 8: Sunday 10/13/24 - Saturday 10/19/24 [show/hide]
Осенние каникулы
Осенние каникулы
Mini-Videos (use these links or click the Mini-Videos link under On-line course materials)
В ресторђне. Порђ с ітим кончђть
Велќкие лєди. Минздрђв предупреждђет...
Велќкие лєди. Прђвда, товђрищ Лљнин?
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
12 Chairs Interactive
Review Episodes 1, 2, 3 and make up your own skits based on them, as usual.
Week 9: Sunday 10/20/24 - Saturday 10/26/24 [show/hide]
Lesson 6, Verbs. Expected COLLT score: 425.
Lesson 6, Translation
Midterm test (Lessons 1 - 5). See this description of the test.
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 4
Scenes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Episode 4, Scenes: 1, 2
Questions: Почему Остап смеется над Ипполитом Матвеевичем?
Episode 4, Scenes: 3, 4
Questions: Что Ипполит Матвеевич и отец Фёдор делают под мостом?

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 10: Sunday 10/27/24 - Saturday 11/02/24 [show/hide]
Verb review class for Lessons 4 - 6, homework as in the Course Description.
Lesson 7, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 5: Scene 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Scene 1, 2, 3, 4
Зачем Остап приходит к архивариусу Коробейникову?
Scenes 4, 5, 6, 7
Как Коробейников обманул отца Фёдора?

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 11: Sunday 11/03/24 - Saturday 11/09/24 [show/hide]
Lesson 7, Verbs. Expected COLLT score: 456.
Lesson 7, Translation
Lesson 8, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Review Episodes 4, 5 and make up your own skits on them, as usual.
Week 12: Sunday 11/10/24 - Saturday 11/16/24 [show/hide]
Lesson 8, Verbs. Expected COLLT score: 502.
Lesson 8, Translation
Mini-Videos (use these links or click the Mini-Videos link under On-line course materials)
На вокзђле. ВІ не в Мџрманск љдете?
В мастерскћй. Тџфли починќть
На пћчте. Телегрђмма
See Course Description for directions on doing this homework.
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episodes 6, 7 Episode 6
Что делает Ипполит Матвеевич на свадьбе Остапа?
Episode 7
Почему отец Фёдор едет из Старгорода в Ростов?

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 13: Sunday 11/17/24 - Saturday 11/23/24 [show/hide]
Verb review class for Lessons 7 - 8, homework as in the Course Description.
WWW class. Read and understand as much of this text about Tchaikovsky as you have time for. Original publication at
Lesson 9, Text
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 8: Scene 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Scene 1, 2, 3
Зачем компаньоны приходят в музей мебели?
Scene 4, 5, 6
Что сообщает Остапу работница музея?

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 14: Sunday 11/24/24 - Saturday 11/30/24 [show/hide]
Lesson 9, Verbs. Expected COLLT score: 540.
Lesson 9, Translation
Канќкулы: Дљнь Благодарљния
Канќкулы: Дљнь Благодарљния
Week 15: Sunday 12/01/24 - Saturday 12/07/24 [show/hide]
Verb review class for Lessons 1 - 9, homework as in the Course Description.
Review of translation issues. Go over all Translation exercises you completed this semester and note the issues that may still require discussion or practice. Bring questions to class.
Text review: Write 8-9 questions, one for each chapter of the textbook. Be prepared to ask these questions in class.
12 Chairs Interactive
Groups 1 and 2:
Watch and understand
Group 1:
Watch for detailed study
Group 2:
Watch for detailed study
Episode 9: Scene 1, 2, 3, 4 Scene 1, 3
Как компаньоны узнали, что гарнитур продают по частям?
Scene 2, 4
Почему компаньоны не смогли купить стулья?

For each film class, prepare 3 questions on the assigned episodes. In class, your questions will be answered by your classmates as part of the discussion.

Week 16: Sunday 12/08/24 - Saturday 12/14/24 [show/hide]
12 Chairs Interactive
Review Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 and make up your own skits.
Week 17: Sunday 12/15/24 - Saturday 12/21/24 [show/hide]