Cornell's Room and Time Roster lists this course as TBA (Time to Be Arranged). Come to the organizational meeting (see our Welcome page), usually held on the second day of the semester, to discuss the class days and times. We always try to accommodate everyone's schedule.
Russian 1131-1132 (fall and spring), aka Self-Paced Elementary Russian I and II, is offered for the benefit of the students who cannot commit to the fairly intensive pace of our traditional beginning Russian courses (1121-1122). No prior knowledge of Russian is assumed.
The materials used in Russian 1131-1132 are the same as in Russian 1121-1122, these courses are taught by some of the same teachers, and the expected outcome of the traditional and self-paced curriculum is essentially the same. What differs is how much of the material is covered in one semester and how many semesters it takes the student of 1131-1132 to travel the same distance. In principle, each student can choose his or her own pace and stretch these studies over three or four semesters. In practice, depending on the department's resources and the number of 1131-1132 students in a given semester, the choices may be somewhat constrained. Still, so far in the recent years, we have taught at least two different groups, and sometimes three each semester.
Students in Russian 1131-1132 meet with the teachers three to four times a week for 35 to50 minutes depending on the number of credits. These meetings are in small groups. To compensate for the reduced listening and speaking class-time (compared to 1121-1122), the self-paced syllabus contains more online interactive work, and a little more reading and writing, but in all other respects the assignments in this syllabus are practically the same as those in our traditional first-year syllabus. Accordingly, the course description that follows is almost identical to the description of 1121 and 1122.
The pace you select is measured in credit hours. Russian 1131 in the fall can be taken for 2 credits, 3 credits, or 4 credits per semester. (Compared to the 5 credits in 1121.) The same is true of Russian 1132 in the spring (2 to 4 credits vs. 5 credits in 1122.) The more credits, the larger the amount of homework per week, and the faster the pace.
If you use Russian 1131 and 1132 to fulfill your foreign language requirement, you need to accumulate at least 11 credit hours in all RUSSA courses combined. This can be achieved by taking Russian 1103/1104 at the same time as 1131/1132 or taking 1125/1125/2203 after 1132. See "Language requirement" under Courses in the navigation bar on the left.
As in Russian 1121, the study materials for Russian 1131-1132 include:
Beginning Russian, Second revised
edition by Leed, Nakhimovsky, and Nakhimovsky, Slavica Publishers. (Here are the
first 8 Lessons
in PDF format that you may use if your copy of the book hasn't arrived yet.)
5000 Russian Words by Leed, Paperno, Slavica Publishers
What I Saw by Boris Zhitkov, Slavica Publishers
Note: These books cover Russian 1121 and Russian 1122.
Russian Grammar Laminate Reference Chart by Mark E Kiken
Interactive video:
Eralash is part of the Beginning Russian Through Film series of annotated interactive movies authored by
Slava Paperno and
Viktoria Tsimberov, with
editorial assistance by Matthew Huss.
Use it
on Web Audio Lab.
Online References:
The Russian Dictionary Tree (under On-line course materials), a greatly expanded online version of
5000 Russian Words
Beginning Russian Grammar (under On-line course materials), a conveniently organized online version of the grammar sections in Beginning Russian by Leed et al.
Online Self-Test Quizzes:
Beginning Russian Quizzes online at the COLLT site: click About COLLT or COLLT Login under On-line course materials.
Online Web Audio Lab:
Beginning Russian with WAL online at the WAL site: click About WAL or WAL Login under On-line course materials.
Homework, tests and papers:
About 75% of the grade is based on your performance during the semester: active participation in class, linguistic accuracy in speech and writing, the quality of all homework (written and online), the midterm, and the timely completion of the self-test quizzes and sound recordings. Some of these criteria are numerical while some are consensus-based, i. e. decided collectively by your three teachers. 25% come from the final exam.
Attendance and Participation:
Mandatory and crucial; missing more than four classes without a good reason
may affect your grade. If you do have to miss a class, send an email to your
teacher before the class that you have to miss.
If you are not feeling well, do the work that can be done on your computer when you recover, and ask your teachers for help catching up when you come back to class. We'll always be happy to help.
The most productive way to catch up with the grammar-and-vocabulary class is to use WAL to record and
submit all exercises from the missed Lessons (whether or not they were assigned).
All homework is shown in the Syllabus. It should take
60 to 90 minutes to complete the assignment for each day in the syllabus.
Where the syllabus says "Watch & write an English translation," type your translation in an email and send it to the teacher, preferably on the night before the class but no later than 3 hours prior to the class. Do not translate too literally: your translations must read like good English.
As you watch the clips, read the dialog transcripts aloud, and click any word to consult the on-screen glosses. Make sure you understand the dialog and the events. Do not try to memorize the vocabulary, but do try to imitate the actors' speech. It is a good idea to record your voice as you practice imitating the actors in the Role Playing window. These recordings are recommended but not required.
The Syllabus indicates what else (in addition to the video, transcript, and Role Playing) you need to work on. This may be Exercises, and/or Discussion. If the assignment in the syllabus includes recording a re-enactment of the video with a friend (on Zoom or by other means), email the recorded file to your Eralash teacher before the class.
If you have trouble using the software, ask your teacher for a demonstration.
Several film days are designated in the Syllabus as review days; the assignment for these classes is different, please see the Syllabus.
Notes on language learning
Known on our Facebook page as "SLAVA'S BLACK SWAN MANIFESTO", here are a few notes on language learning that describe some the principles that inspire our teaching. Read them if you wonder why we teach the way we do, or if you find yourself spending too much time doing homework ("too much" is more than 60-90 minutes--on average--for each class).