Russian 1126-101 (non-native speakers): Syllabus

This syllabus is not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Each assignment is posted a couple of days before the class.

Week 1: Sunday 01/22/17 - Saturday 01/28/17 [show/hide]
Read and understand as much as you have time for; do not try to translate every word; use your dictionary only when you really have to; take notes only if you find it helpful; bring a printout or your computer to class. See Course Description about the use of online translators. This note applies to the entire semester but will not be repeated after the first week.

В шаге от катастрофы. Куда нас заведёт технический прогресс?

Week 2: Sunday 01/29/17 - Saturday 02/04/17 [show/hide]
Read and understand as much as you have time for; do not try to translate every word; use your dictionary only when you really have to; take notes only if you find it helpful; bring a printout or your computer to class. See Course Description about the use of online translators. This note applies to the entire semester but will not be repeated after the first week.

В шаге от катастрофы. Куда нас заведёт технический прогресс?

Read and understand as much as you have time for; do not try to translate every word; use your dictionary only when you really have to; take notes only if you find it helpful; bring a printout or your computer to class. See Course Description about the use of online translators. This note applies to the entire semester but will not be repeated after the first week.

Почему Трамп уволил и.о. генерального прокурора США Салли Йейтс?

Week 3: Sunday 02/05/17 - Saturday 02/11/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Нож у горла. Как спасали девочку, взятую в заложники наркоманом

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

«Волонтеров у нас не уважают». Доброволец о «моде» на благотворительность

Week 4: Sunday 02/12/17 - Saturday 02/18/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Новосибирец слезно попросил Путина «вернуть фунфырики» в аптеки

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Омский школьник изобрел марсоход для поиска места под базу землян

Week 5: Sunday 02/19/17 - Saturday 02/25/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

«Девушки за ним толпами бегали»: каким рос будущий глава Бурятии

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Рок-н-рольщик. 10 фактов о легендарном музыканте Курте Кобейне

Week 6: Sunday 02/26/17 - Saturday 03/04/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

«4 года назад отрезали свет». Как селянин живет без пенсии и электричества

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

В Украине стартовала Школа для молодых лидеров

Week 7: Sunday 03/05/17 - Saturday 03/11/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Как стать бойцом невидимого фронта / Спецслужбы / Независимая газета

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Как стать бойцом невидимого фронта / Спецслужбы / Независимая газета

Week 8: Sunday 03/12/17 - Saturday 03/18/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

«Непонятно, почему 16+». Отзывы зрителей о фильме «Красавица и чудовище»

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Детдом нестрогого режима. Страну ждёт реформа для брошенных детей

Week 9: Sunday 03/19/17 - Saturday 03/25/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

«Непонятно, почему 16+». Отзывы зрителей о фильме «Красавица и чудовище»

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Первый миллионер из СССР. Арчил Гомиашвили осуществил мечту Остапа Бендера

Week 10: Sunday 03/26/17 - Saturday 04/01/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Онлайн-травля и «взрослый» контент. Чем интернет угрожает ростовским детям

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Девочка-герой. 10-летняя Юля спасла из пожара пятерых братьев и сестёр

Week 11: Sunday 04/02/17 - Saturday 04/08/17 [show/hide]
Week 12: Sunday 04/09/17 - Saturday 04/15/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Второе пришествие авоськи. Как незрячие люди плетут сумки «из прошлого»

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Страшнее, чем УК. Удастся ли искоренить обычай кровной мести на Кавказе?

Week 13: Sunday 04/16/17 - Saturday 04/22/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Мать наливала ребенку самогон, чтобы он был повеселее

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Появился новый способ добычи воды

Week 14: Sunday 04/23/17 - Saturday 04/29/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Почему уехавшие в Европу возвращаются?

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Путин раскусил блеф, с которым приезжал Тиллерсон

Week 15: Sunday 04/30/17 - Saturday 05/06/17 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Путин раскусил блеф, с которым приезжал Тиллерсон

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

«Бедно, но дружно». 104-летняя долгожительница о СССР и современной России

Week 16: Sunday 05/07/17 - Saturday 05/13/17 [show/hide]