Russian 1126-101 (non-native speakers): Syllabus

This syllabus is not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Each assignment is posted a couple of days before the class.

Week 1: Sunday 01/19/14 - Saturday 01/25/14 [show/hide]
No class.
Week 2: Sunday 01/26/14 - Saturday 02/01/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print the text and bring your printout to class--you won't be translating from the screen in class. Be sure to read the Course Description, especially the part about using online translators (Google Translate is recommended). If you do have a portable computer, bring it to class so we can do some work together using a new story.

Зимняя олимпиада в субтропиках (Введение only)

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

As much as you can do in about 40 minutes: Путин сообщил о своих либеральных взглядах и отсутствии коррупции в Сочи

Week 3: Sunday 02/02/14 - Saturday 02/08/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it. Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

As much as you can do in about 40 minutes: Не надо питать иллюзий насчет украинской оппозиции

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Вот они, "прелести" капитализма

Week 4: Sunday 02/09/14 - Saturday 02/15/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Уничтожение российского химоружия подходит к концу

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

В Москве открылся первый пункт обогрева для бездомных

Week 5: Sunday 02/16/14 - Saturday 02/22/14 [show/hide]
Week 6: Sunday 02/23/14 - Saturday 03/01/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Угодить мужчине сложнее, чем женщине

Week 7: Sunday 03/02/14 - Saturday 03/08/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

В ФМС оценили гражданство России в 10 миллионов рублей

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Парламент Крыма принял постановление «О проведении общекрымского референдума»

Week 8: Sunday 03/09/14 - Saturday 03/15/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

В Калмыкии подняли вопрос о правах монголов на Крым and optional: Лавров: Москва готова к равноправному диалогу по украинской проблеме

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

«Святой» рис, или Куда приводит мода

Week 9: Sunday 03/16/14 - Saturday 03/22/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Китай пригрозил США за давление на Россию

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

В России все больше желающих зарабатывать много

Week 10: Sunday 03/23/14 - Saturday 03/29/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Хуже, чем ошибка

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Continue reading «Хуже, чем ошибка»

Week 11: Sunday 03/30/14 - Saturday 04/05/14 [show/hide]
Week 12: Sunday 04/06/14 - Saturday 04/12/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

10 стран, где едят полезную пищу

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Кем вас считает ваша кошка?

Week 13: Sunday 04/13/14 - Saturday 04/19/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Почему россияне эмигрируют на Марс

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Не ходите, люди, в Америку гулять

Week 14: Sunday 04/20/14 - Saturday 04/26/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Минкульт: «Россия не Европа»

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Юлия Тимошенко в Донецке

Week 15: Sunday 04/27/14 - Saturday 05/03/14 [show/hide]
Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Комитет защиты журналистов призвал Путина наложить вето на закон, ограничивающий деятельность блогеров

Read and translate the following story. If it is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for. Print it and bring the printout to class. Feel free to annotate it.

Ополченцы под Соледаром заявили об отражении атаки украинского десанта

Week 16: Sunday 05/04/14 - Saturday 05/10/14 [show/hide]