The assignments for the semester are not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Most assignments are posted a few of days before the class.
Week 1:
Sunday 08/25/24
Saturday 08/31/24
Come to the organizational meeting for this TBA course to select the days and times to meet this semester. Click Welcome in the navigation bar to for the time and place of the meeting.
Read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of automatic translators like Google Translate and other details of the course.
Read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of automatic translators and other details of the course. Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Айтишные миллиарды. Из чего состоит бизнес Павла Дурова.
Week 2:
Sunday 09/01/24
Saturday 09/07/24
Read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of automatic translators and other details of the course. Continue reading translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
«Боинг» дальше не идет. Американские астронавты остались на МКС без корабля.
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Здравствуйте я ваша школа! побывал на Дне открытых дверей в Раменках
Week 3:
Sunday 09/08/24
Saturday 09/14/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Песков заявил, что для победы в СВО России еще многое предстоит сделать
Сюжет Спецоперация РФ в Донбассе и на Украине
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Удар ВС РФ разметал элитных пилотов ВСУ. Сводка СВО на утро 8 сентября
Сюжет Спецоперация Р.
Week 4:
Sunday 09/15/24
Saturday 09/21/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Гутен морген, «захисники». ВСУ зовут иностранцев в командиры
Сюжет Спецоперация Р
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Меню к столу переговоров. Как кулинария влияла на мировую политику?
Week 5:
Sunday 09/22/24
Saturday 09/28/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Конец света и дрожь земли. Сегодня на Украине от взрывов всё ходило ходуном
Сюжет Спецоперация РФ в Донбассе и на Украине
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Конструкция науки. В Москве открыли научный кластер при МГТУ им. Баумана
Week 6:
Sunday 09/29/24
Saturday 10/05/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Идем в город изумрудный. В Москве открыли Троицкую линию метро
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
В первый класс второй раз. Почему школа перекладывает проблемы на родителей
Week 7:
Sunday 10/06/24
Saturday 10/12/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Нашёл Любовь на СВО. Доброволец встретил в Ростове свою будущую жену
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
В городе быстрее, на селе вкуснее? Как питаются жители столиц и провинции
«АиФ-Юг» № 36 04/09/2024
Сейчас можно купить практически всю готовую еду..
Week 8:
Sunday 10/13/24
Saturday 10/19/24
Fall break
Midterm test
Week 9:
Sunday 10/20/24
Saturday 10/26/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Сезонное обострение. Виновата ли петербургская осень в недавних убийствах? | АиФ Санкт-Петербург.
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
«Формирует трутня». Почему учитель из Ростова против списывания.
Week 10:
Sunday 10/27/24
Saturday 11/02/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Пять часов под обстрелом. Француженка рассказывает Европе правду из Донецка
Сюжет Спецоперация РФ в Донбассе и на Украине
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
«Он боялся». Экс-генсек НАТО рассказал, как Зеленский прятался в бункере | Аргументы и Факты.
Week 11:
Sunday 11/03/24
Saturday 11/09/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Западные учёные бьют тревогу. Без России невозможно исследование Арктики | Аргументы и Факты
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
«Западу не жаль Украину». Путин заявил о готовности России воевать с НАТО | Аргументы и Факты.
Week 12:
Sunday 11/10/24
Saturday 11/16/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Жену нашел в Сибири. Как провидец Вольф Мессинг гастролировал по Союзу.
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
С милым рай в конуре. Квадроберы начали играть тематические свадьбы
Week 13:
Sunday 11/17/24
Saturday 11/23/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
От шпиона до сценариста. Как чекист Маклярский «Подвиг разведчика» написал
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Дрон «Князь Вандал» уничтожил БМП Bradley в Курской области
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Ответ всему Западу. Путин назвал условия ядерной войныСюжет
Week 14:
Sunday 11/24/24
Saturday 11/30/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Крым защищают «барсы». Добровольцев учат противостоять вражеским десантам
Week 15:
Sunday 12/01/24
Saturday 12/07/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Рис — не каша. Шеф-повар поделился секретами рассыпчатого плова
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
«Не получат наших тел». Мужчин Америки накажут за Трампа секс-бойкотом
Сюжет Выборы през
Week 16:
Sunday 12/08/24
Saturday 12/14/24
Read and translate as much as you have time for (no more than an hour for each class):
Гегемон, хрен и редька. Хорошего президента в США не будет?
Сюжет Выборы президента СШ.
Week 17:
Sunday 12/15/24
Saturday 12/21/24