Russian 1125-101 (non-native speakers): Syllabus

This syllabus is not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Each assignment is posted a couple of days before the class.

Week 1: [show/hide]
No class. Come to the organizational meeting (see above) to select class times
Week 2: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Ученые нашли новые свидетельства прежде существовавшей жизни на Марсе

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Под Курском при взрыве снаряда времен войны погиб ребенок

Week 3: [show/hide]
День Труда
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Топ-10 стартапов в области искусственного интеллекта

Week 4: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

"Просто хочу видеть тебя": мать встретилась с дочерью, увезенной 20 лет назад в США

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Ведущие российские вузы придут на Дальний Восток

Week 5: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

«Прогулка» с последствиями: банда подростков нападала на прохожих в центре Санкт-Петербурга RT на русском 2 часа назад

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

«Помогите вылечить маму!» Как шестиклассник учил взрослых неравнодушию |

Week 6: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Несчастный случай произошел с Дмитрием Медведевым

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Путин обратился к Донбассу после гибели Захарченко

Week 7: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Без фанатизма и очень аккуратно. На МКС устраняют утечку воздуха. Introduction and Часть1Трещина в результате попадания микрометеорита?

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Без фанатизма и очень аккуратно. На МКС устраняют утечку воздуха. Часть 2 Устранение утечки и "перекус"

Week 8: [show/hide]
Fall break
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Без фанатизма и очень аккуратно. На МКС устраняют утечку воздуха. Часть 3 Противоречия среди экипажа.

Week 9: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Тропические шершни осваивают Европу и нападают на людей.

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Когда Оксане исполнилось 9 лет, её мама решила ампутировать ей ноги. Но через 15 лет девушка совершила невозможное!

Week 10: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Запретная связь: отберут ли у школьников телефоны.

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Continue working on a story: Запретная связь: отберут ли у школьников телефоны.

Week 11: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Звездный небосклон Марка Захарова. От чего режиссёр уберёг Абдулова. Please read Introduction and part Захаров и Янковский

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

На Украине нашли гигантский крест, переделанный из каменного идола

Week 12: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Кибератака ГРУ в Нидерландах: опубликованы доказательства шпионажа, Путину не отвертеться

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Когда прекратят учить устаревшим профессиям?

Week 13: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Убийство Екатерины Гандзюк: смерть украинской активистки вызвала шок и протесты. Часть Активная Критика.

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Австралиец на спор съел слизня и умер от поражения мозга.

Week 14: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Первое в мире космическое государство начало своё научное исследование

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Week 15: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Звери в космосе. Как Белка и Стрелка проложили путь на орбиту Юрию Гагарину

Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Академик Борис Черток: «Гагарин ради Родины работал буквально на износ» Up to Вызовы ХХI века

Week 16: [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story--as much as can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

А надо ли колонизировать Марс: аргументы против (обещаний Илиона Маскa)