Russian 1125-101 (non-native speakers): Syllabus

This syllabus is not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Each assignment is posted a couple of days before the class.

Week 1: Sunday 08/19/18 - Saturday 08/25/18 [show/hide]
No class. Come to the organizational meeting (see above) to select class times
Week 2: Sunday 08/26/18 - Saturday 09/01/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Ученые нашли новые свидетельства прежде существовавшей жизни на Марсе

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Путин сравнил свою работу с борьбой морского ангела против морских чертей

Week 3: Sunday 09/02/18 - Saturday 09/08/18 [show/hide]
День Труда
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Британские мошенники продавали овец под видом пуделей

Week 4: Sunday 09/09/18 - Saturday 09/15/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Путин предложил школьникам написать сочинение о будущем России | Образование | Общество | Аргументы и ФактыBA

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Путин определился с судьбой Ленина — Рамблер/новости

"В Омске проходят массовые эвакуации после сообщений о минированиях

Week 5: Sunday 09/16/18 - Saturday 09/22/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Фильм Матильда

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

В США изобрели сумку, заменяющую стиральную машину

Странная гибель туриста возле перевала Дятлова озадачила следователей

Week 6: Sunday 09/23/18 - Saturday 09/29/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Столичных школьников учат обращаться с резиночкой -

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Столичных школьников учат обращаться с резиночкой -

Week 7: Sunday 09/30/18 - Saturday 10/06/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Житель Магадана хочет найти на Южном Урале 200 тонн золота

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

«Дурак» на лбу. Родители вступились за учительницу, оскорбившую мальчика

Week 8: Sunday 10/07/18 - Saturday 10/13/18 [show/hide]
Fall break
Fall break
Week 9: Sunday 10/14/18 - Saturday 10/20/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Почему названии «Россия» две буквы «c»

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Какие продукты сочетаются, а что нужно есть отдельно

Week 10: Sunday 10/21/18 - Saturday 10/27/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

В России от официального до интимного — один шаг

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Грязный ребенок — неграмотные родители

Week 11: Sunday 10/28/18 - Saturday 11/03/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Эмигрантка из РФ, уехавшая в Швецию 20 лет назад, сравнила жизнь в России и Европе

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

4 октября отмечается Всемирный день защиты животных

Week 12: Sunday 11/04/18 - Saturday 11/10/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

В истории дрейфовавших в океане американок нашли много странностей

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Не дом, а мечта! Голландцы создали дом из картона

Week 13: Sunday 11/11/18 - Saturday 11/17/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

«Коза рожает!» На какие вызовы приходится выезжать сотрудникам «скорой»

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

К чему приведет разрыв Украиной дипотношений с Россией?

Week 14: Sunday 11/18/18 - Saturday 11/24/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Кот из Нижнего Новгорода получил трудовую книжку и зарплату

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Уроки труда приближают к реальной жизни /

Week 15: Sunday 11/25/18 - Saturday 12/01/18 [show/hide]
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Медведчук обратился к Путину с просьбой об обмене пленными

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Полиция спасла парня-суицидника, повесившегося из-за несчастной любви

Week 16: Sunday 12/02/18 - Saturday 12/08/18 [show/hide]