Russian 1125-101 (non-native speakers): Syllabus for Fall 2016

This syllabus is not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Each assignment is posted a couple of days before the class. The meeting days and links below are from LAST YEAR and will be replaced. But they can give you an idea of what the assignments are like.

Week 1:
No class. Come to the organizational meeting (see above) to select class times
Week 2:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

У Министерства образования появилось второе название - «Министерство будущего»

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Продан первый BMW, подаренный российским олимпийцам Медведевым

Week 3:
День Труда
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Американский командующий в Ираке и Сирии: «как солдат скептически отношусь к русским»

Week 4:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Москвич, продавший квартиру вместе с собакаой, скрывается

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Арестованный полковник Захарченко из МВД - скромняга и трудоголик

Week 5:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Арестованный полковник Захарченко из МВД - скромняга и трудоголик

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Почему Путин не поехал на Генассамблею ООН?

Week 6:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Учитель — наставник или слуга?

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Героям слава. Каратель из «Торнадо» убил двух украинских полицейских

Week 7:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Между Клинтон и Трампом встал Крым

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Дорога в армию может начаться за партой

Week 8:
Fall break
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

«Освободи нас, Владимир!» Реакция простых американцев на баннер с Путиным

Week 9:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Школьники на миллион. Победителям олимпиад - крупный денежный приз

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Школьники на миллион. Победителям олимпиад - крупный денежный приз

Week 10:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Эмиграция в Сеть О новом фильме Вернера Херцога «О, интернет. Грезы цифрового мира»

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Барсик ищет друзей. В России набирают популярность соцсети для питомцев

Week 11:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

«Путинская «Сатана». Почему Запад испугался ракеты «Сармат»?

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Житель Чувашии не выдержал критики со стороны знакомого и убил его

Week 12:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

У Варвары Карауловой, стремившейся в ряды ИГ, диагностировано психическое расстройство

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

«Это беда прямо, горе людское»

Week 13:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Президентские выборы в США

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Чем Михаил Барышников покорил Лайзу Миннелли и Джессику Лэнг

Week 14:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Билет в один конец. Как молодежь заманивают под флаги ИГИЛ

Thanksgiving break
Week 15:
Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

Путин на встрече с юными географами: «границы РФ нигде не заканчиваются»

Read and translate a portion of this story that you can do in 40-50 minutes. Be sure to read the course description (the link at the top) about the use of Google Translate.

После Обамы |

Week 16: