Russian 1125-101 (non-native speakers): Syllabus

This syllabus is not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Each assignment is posted a couple of days before the class.

Week 1: Wednesday 08/27/13 - Tuesday 09/02/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

В Москве разыскивают телефонного террориста, в Махачкале прогремели взрывы

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Эдвард Сноуден в восторге от "Преступления и наказания"

Week 2: Wednesday 09/03/13 - Tuesday 09/09/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

"FEMA строит концлагеря для миллионов американцев"

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Домашние задания в России могут стать добровольными

Week 3: Wednesday 09/10/13 - Tuesday 09/16/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Госдума намерена отобрать детей у гомосексуалистов

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Путин украл кольцо американских чемпионов, объявил владелец через восемь лет

Week 4: Wednesday 09/17/13 - Tuesday 09/23/13
Class cancelled--Slava is sick. Sorry.
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

"Итоги": рынок бахчевых в столице контролирует "арбузная мафия"

Week 5: Wednesday 09/24/13 - Tuesday 09/30/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Если Россия вновь станет стратегическим игроком

UNUSUAL ASSIGNMENT: Write a translation of this story. Edit it until you think it reads well enough to be published.

Профессор из Японии предложил включить прятки в программу Олимпиад

Week 6: Wednesday 10/01/13 - Tuesday 10/07/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Эмигранты из бывшего Союза подкупали политиков в США

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Экологи провели десятки акций в РФ в поддержку команды Arctic Sunrise

Week 7: Wednesday 10/08/13 - Tuesday 10/13/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

На саммите АТЭС Путин предложил рецепт выхода из кризиса

Fall break
Week 8: Wednesday 10/15/13 - Tuesday 10/21/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

В замороженных продуктах зачастую больше витаминов, и они полезнее свежих

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Магазины фермерских продуктов в Москве: Стоит ли переплачивать за экологически чистую картошку?

Week 9: Wednesday 10/22/13 - Tuesday 10/28/13
SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT APPROACH FOR THE REST OF THE SEMESTER: After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

Михаил Прохоров возглавил список мировых знаменитостей, которые боятся компьютера

Week 10: Wednesday 10/29/13 - Tuesday 11/04/13
After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

Кому сигарета по зубам?

After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

У «нефтяного колосса» отваливаются ноги

Week 11: Wednesday 11/05/13 - Tuesday 11/11/13
After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

8 месяцев спустя. Явление метеорита «Челябинск» на свет

After translating as much of this story as you have time for with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

Культуре – выделенную полосу!

Week 12: Wednesday 11/12/13 - Tuesday 11/18/13
UNUSUAL ASSIGNMENT: WRITE A WELL-EDITED translation of this short story:

О вреде курения (also here)

After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

Участковый под Новосибирском поймал домового

Week 13: Wednesday 11/19/13 - Tuesday 11/25/13
After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

Школа выживания для котят

After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

В Подмосковье наследники выкинули на свалку политическое завещание Героя Советского Союза

Week 14: Wednesday 11/26/13 - Tuesday 12/02/13
After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

Окуня, пережившего Наполеона, Пушкина и СССР, выловили на Аляске

Week 15: Wednesday 12/03/13 - Tuesday 12/09/13
After translating the story with the usual online tools, print it and bring the printout to class. Be ready to offer your translation in class from the printed page, without referring to your computer.

Блестящий год Владимира Путина