Ordinal numerals are the form of the numeral corresponding to English -th. As in English, only the last numeral of a compound numeral has an ending — the numerals that precede it are the dictionary forms of cardinal numerals, like сљмьдесят '70' in the compound сљмьдесят пїтый '75th'.
For a chart of cardinal numerals, see Numbers and Numerals. For an alternative display, see a handy table in Cardinal <==> Ordinal Numerals.
Ordinal numerals are always used in stating years in dates (see below).
All ordinal numerals are ordinary adjectives except трљтий, which is a special adjective.
вторћй 2nd
двадцђтый 20th
семидесїтый 70th
сљмьдесят пїтый 75th
Онђ родилђсь в сљмьдесят пїтом годџ. She was born in '75.
Numbers that consist of a numeral and the noun тІсяча make single-words ordinal numerals. These are compound (double-root) words in which the first part is a Prepositional form of the numeral, e.g. двухтІсячный. The hundreds are formed the same way: двухсћтый.
МІ занимђемся в двухсћтой аудитћрии. Our class is in room 200.
Онђ родилђсь в двухтІсячном годџ. She was born in 2000.