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Andrew Weber

Animals Used for Testing

Anne Harrington

Dastan Eleukenov

Discipline in the workplace


Gary Crocker

Gennadiy Lepeshkin and David Franz

Gennadiy Lepeshkin and Gary Crocker

Gennadiy Lepeshkin and Milton Leitenberg

Gennady Lepeshkin and Richard Spertzel

GNL: Reflections on the past

GNL: The Almaty Interview

GNL: The Washington Interview

My Work

01. Are you happy about working in biological weapons most of your life?
02. Did you ever want to switch to civilian work?
03. Did you have an option to change your line of work?
04. Did you look for a different type of work?
05. Did you try to switch to a less dangerous line of work?
06. Do you like thinking of your life in Stepnogorsk in those days?
07. Do you remember starting your work in Stepnogorsk?
08. Was it your own choice to work in that field?
09. Were you afraid while working with biological weapons?
10. Were you making more money than someone in similar civilian work?
11. What did you and your friends and co-workers talk about?
12. What did you like, and what did you not like, about your work in biological weapons?
13. What influenced the direction of your professional life?
14. Where did you live and how did you get to work?



Public discussions


Sergei Popov: My Science

Sergei Popov: The System

Yuri Orlov