Russian 1126-101 (non-native speakers): Syllabus

This syllabus is not prepared ahead of time because we want to read about current events (for the most part). Each assignment is posted a couple of days before the class.

Week 1: Sunday 01/19/13 - Saturday 01/25/13
No assignment. Come to the organizational meeting (see under Current announcements).
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Татьяна Рессина: Платная скорая помощь, или Сколько стоит жизнь?

Week 2: Sunday 01/26/13 - Saturday 02/01/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Татьяна Рессина: Платная скорая помощь, или Сколько стоит жизнь?

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Казанцы помогли семье подростка, едва не замерзшего на трассе, отпраздновать Новый год

Week 3: Sunday 02/02/13 - Saturday 02/08/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Свой среди чужих: следователь был на стороне фанатов в конфликте с полицией

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Криминальный авторитет Дед Хасан. Досье

Week 4: Sunday 02/09/13 - Saturday 02/15/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Со всего света .

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Татьяна Дымова: Секс - в школу? .

Week 5: Sunday 02/16/13 - Saturday 02/22/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

«Крепкий орешек 5»: хороший фильм, чтобы посмотреть .

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Россия ввела практически полный запрет на ввоз мяса из США .

Week 6: Sunday 02/23/13 - Saturday 03/01/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Чернокожий донецкий таксист веселит пассажиров шутками из советских фильмов

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Против закона о «резиновых квартирах» активисты собрали 20 тысяч подписей

Week 7: Sunday 03/02/13 - Saturday 03/08/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Дело жизни

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Оброк в подарок: сколько Депардье заплатит на российскую недвижимость

Week 8: Sunday 03/09/13 - Saturday 03/15/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

В защиту детей, за права москвичей: в столице провели два шествия

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Свалка на Дороге жизни. Будет ли скотомогильник на святом месте?

Week 9: Sunday 03/16/13 - Saturday 03/22/13
Week 10: Sunday 03/23/13 - Saturday 03/29/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Растительный мир

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

От шарфа до яда: все версии смерти Бориса Березовского

Week 11: Sunday 03/30/13 - Saturday 04/05/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Владелец газет, домов, пароходов. Куда делись деньги Бориса Березовского?

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Владелец газет, домов, пароходов. Куда делись деньги Бориса Березовского?

Week 12: Sunday 04/06/13 - Saturday 04/12/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Естественный отбор.

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Дело врачей»: полиция выясняет, сколько детей продали во Владикавказе

Week 13: Sunday 04/13/13 - Saturday 04/19/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Эксперты не исключают возможности эпидемии «птичьего гриппа» в России .

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Опасная весна: пермячки расплатились здоровьем за халатную уборку улиц

Week 14: Sunday 04/20/13 - Saturday 04/26/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Фотокор «АиФ» против маньяка. .

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Политолог Черняховский расскажет читателям АиФ.ru о роли большевиков в России

Week 15: Sunday 04/27/13 - Saturday 05/03/13
Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

Сергей Соловьев: «Политика - это жесткая игра, в которой нужно играть мозгами»и

Read and translate a story that is assigned for each class. If the story is longer than half a printed page, translate as much as you have time for.

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