The following technologies are used in this project:
- the clips are in the QuickTime format developed by Apple Computer, Inc.
- Adobe Premiere from Adobe Systems Inc. was used to edit the clips
- Media Cleaner from Terran Interactive was used for compressing the
clips and also for producing the RealAudio versions of the soundtracks
and audio recordings
- a RealAudio server from Progressive Networks is used to deliver
the sound-only portion of the materials
- HTML, the mark-up language in which most Web pages are written,
is used for most of the formatting on this Web site
- JavaScript, a programming language created by Netscape Communications
Corporation, is used for some of the features of these Web pages
- Cold Fusion, an application server from Allaire Corp. (and now Adobe Corp.), is used
to interface these Web pages to the vocabulary database.
The database (originally in Microsoft Access
format and now a Microsoft SQL Server database) where most of the glosses are stored
- the Web site is served by World Design Group; the video files are served by Cornell's CIT
The trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned above are property
of their respective owners.
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