Russian 121 in Fall '97: Syllabus for Week 14

The cells in each row show the homework that has to be done before the class. Note that some days include more than one row. See Course Description for notes on doing the homework.

Week 14: Thursday 11/27 - Wednesday 12/3
Thu Thanksgiving break  
Fri Thanksgiving break  
Mon Make up your own skit: Review your notes for some of the videos that you watched this semester and make up your own scene (6 to 8 lines) modeled on any of them. Your scene may be shorter than the original, it may use different words, or even combine lines from different episodes or films. In other words, you should stay close to the original language of the videos, but not necessarily repeat it verbatim. In class, you'll be asked to act out your scene. If you can, get together with another student from your section and compose/rehearse your two scenes together.
Tue Watch and understand: Crime and Punishment: Everything Has Been Sold, A Radical Solution
Write an English translation of: Crime and Punishment: Everything Has Been Sold, A Radical Solution
Record your version of: Crime and Punishment: A Radical Solution, scene 1
Wed Read from Beginning Russian: 51; 52
Record on a tape from the RLL series: Les. 51 and Les. 52 (hand in your tape)
Note: Crime and Punishment is on Disk Seven of the Beginning Russian Through Film series in the language lab.

Beginning Russian Through Film

The Russian Language Program

e-mail box for the Russian Language Program

Russian Language Program
Department of Modern Languages
Cornell University
Morrill Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4087
fax 607/255-7491