Russian 121 in Fall '97: Syllabus for Week 10

The cells in each row show the homework that has to be done before the class. Note that some days include more than one row. See Course Description for notes on doing the homework.

Week 10: Thursday 10/30 - Wednesday 11/5
Thu Read from Beginning Russian: Les. 35 and 36
Do from Beginning Russian Quizzes: Quizzes to Les. 35 and 36
Fri Watch and understand: Volgograd: The Mushroom Man, Captain's Family
Write an English translation of: Volgograd: Captain's Family
Mon Watch again: Volgograd: The Mushroom Man
Record your version of: Volgograd: The Mushroom Man, 3.2 (several versions)
Memorize: Volgograd: The Mushroom Man, 3.2 (any one version)
Prepare exercises: Volgograd: The Mushroom Man, 3.1, 3.3
Tue Watch again: Volgograd: Captain's Family
Compose and record a story... ...about the captain and his family (6-8 sentences). Here are a few examples of what you may want to say: "The captain's wife has been working for 38 years. She earns more money than he does. They're neither rich nor poor. His son Igor says they need money to pay for clothes, food, and electricity. He knows what "a small business" means and wants to make money. The captain can't live on his pension alone, so he had to get a job." This is not a translation assignment; rather, you should go through the scenes and collect the phrases that can be put together into a story.
Prepare exercises: Volgograd: The Mushroom Man, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2
Wed Read from Beginning Russian: Les. 37 and 38; p.103
Record on a tape from the RLL series: Les. 37 and Les. 38 (hand in your tape)
Note: Volgograd is on Disc One of the Beginning Russian Through Film series in the language lab.

Beginning Russian Through Film

The Russian Language Program

e-mail box for the Russian Language Program

Russian Language Program
Department of Modern Languages
Cornell University
Morrill Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
tel. 607/255-4087
fax 607/255-7491