Movements and gestures

NB The following expressions apply only to hair on the head.
убирать/убрать волосыa со лбаg to brush the hair from one's forehead
Убери волосы со лба! Ведь они тебе мешают! Brush the hair back from your forehead! It's getting in your way!
откидывать/откинуть волосыa со лбаg to toss the hair back from one's forehead
Он откинул волосы со лба знакомым, только ему присущим движением. He tossed his hair back from his forehead with that familiar gesture that was his alone.
запускать/запустить рукиa в волосыa to run one's hands through one's hair, to bury one's hands in one's hair
встряхивать/встряхнуть волосамиi to toss one's hair
гладить/погладить Na по волосамd to stroke N's hair
проводить/провести рукойi по волосамd to pass one's hand over one's hair, to stroke one's hair
накручивать/накрутить волосыa на пальцыa to wind one's hair around one's finger
ерошить (or взъерошивать)/взъерошить Nd волосыa to tousle N's hair