Movements and gestures

тереть [no Pf.] вискиa to rub one's temples
NB This expression denotes a gesture used when trying to remember something.
сжимать/сжать рукамиi (or пальцамиi) вискиa to press one's hands/fingers to one's temples
держаться [no Pf.] за вискиa to hold one's temples
NB This expression denotes a gesture used when one has a headache.
растирать/растереть вискиa спиртомi to massage the temples with alcohol
NB This expression denotes a treatment for a migraine or fainting spell, as in 19th century novels.
прикладывать/приложить лёдa (or примочкиa etc.) к вискамd to apply ice (or compresses, etc.) to one's temples
NB This expression denotes a treatment for a migraine.
зачёсывать/зачесать волосыa на високa to comb one's hair over one's temple
приглаживать/пригладить вискиa to smooth one's temples, to stroke one's temples
приставлять/приставить пистолетa (or револьверa, etc.) к вискуd to put a pistol (or a revolver, etc.) to one's temple