У неё были маленькие, красивые уши, которые очень мило краснели на морозе. | She had small, beautiful ears which turned appealingly pink from the cold. |
Собака замерла и насторожила уши. | The dog stood still and pricked its ears. |
The word ухо, mostly in the singular, but sometimes, informally, in the plural form уши, is also used to mean "the sense of hearing, the ability to hear." In this meaning, the word ухо combines with very few expressions; these are also described in this entry, marked with a special note.
The word ухо is also used in the sense "an unusual perceptiveness for certain things," as in охотничье ухо "a hunter's ear," музыкальное ухо "a musician's ear." This meaning is not treated in this dictionary.