Sensations and medical conditions

NB Some of the adjectives listed below as modifying the word тело may also refer to a person's physical characteristics when modifying such words as человек, мужчина, женщина, etc., or when used in such sentences as Он слишком худой "He is too thin." The following adjectives are exceptions: бездыханный, распростёртый.
болеть/заболеть [Pf-begin]: у Ng (всё) телоn болит N's (whole) body hurts
ныть/заныть [Pf-begin]: у Ng (всё) телоn ноет N's (whole) body aches
быть покрыто: у Ng телоn покрыто сыпьюi (or пятнамиi, болячкамиi, синякамиi, etc.) N's body is covered with a rash (or spots, sores, bruises, etc.)
больное тело a sick body
здоровое тело a healthy body
безжизненное тело a limp body
NB The phrase безжизненное тело, above, does not necessarily indicate death, as opposed to бездыханное тело, below. The phrase безжизненное тело may be used to refer to the body of a person who is asleep, unconscious, or "dead" drunk.
бездыханное тело a lifeless body
распростёртое тело a prostrate body
Какие-то люди стояли над распростёртым на тротуаре телом. There were some people standing over the prostrate body on the sidewalk.