щиколотка ankle

Вода доходила ему до щиколоток. The water came up to his ankles.


This entry is concerned with the word щиколотка referring to the slender part of the leg just above the foot (human only). For distinctions between the word щиколотка and its synonym лодыжка, see Lexical Relationships: Synonyms.


щиколотка SS (о) f.in.noun


Syntactic actants

Actant 1: whose ankle it is
(a) Genitive
(b) Possessive
Правая щиколотка Маши распухла. Masha's right ankle is swollen.
Он смотрел на её щиколотки. He looked at her ankles.
NB When the word щиколотка functions as a subject and does not have a descriptive modifier, the construction щиколотка у + Genitive is often preferred to (a) and (b), above:
Правая щиколотка у Маши распухла. Masha's right ankle is swollen.

Restrictive modifiers

(a) adjectival modifier
(b) noun phrase: Adj + Genitive of нога
(c) prepositional phrase: на + Adj + Prepositional of нога
NB Note that (a) is more common than (b) or (c).
левая/правая щиколотка the left/right ankle
Правая щиколотка у Маши распухла. Masha's right ankle is swollen.
щиколотка левой/правой ноги the left/right ankle
щиколотка на левой/правой ноге the left/right ankle

Lexical Relationships


лодыжка ankle
NB The words щиколотка "ankle" and лодыжка "ankle" are not interchangeable. The word щиколотка is often used in expressions which indicate length: юбка по щиколотку "a skirt down to one's ankles," выше щиколотки "above the ankle," ниже щиколотки "below the ankle." The word лодыжка is not used in these expressions. With words denoting positive attributes such as изящная, точёная, сухая, the word лодыжка is more likely to be used.
щиколка Substandard ankle

What it is a part of

нога foot
щиколотка левой ноги the left ankle

Size and shape

толстая щиколотка a fat ankle
широкая щиколотка a wide ankle
узкая щиколотка a narrow ankle

Medical conditions; sustaining injuries

ломать/сломать ногуa в щиколоткеp to break one's ankle
распухать/распухнуть: у Ng щиколоткаn распухла N's ankle is swollen
распухшая щиколотка a swollen ankle
NB Note that the word щиколотка is not used to refer to twisting or spraining an ankle. The word нога is used instead:
подвернуть ногу; вывихнуть ногу to twist an ankle
растянуть ногу to sprain an ankle

Other expressions

NB Most speakers use the expressions shown below only with the singular form of the word щиколотка.
по щиколоткуa ankle-length, ankle-high
выше щиколоткиg above the ankle
ниже щиколоткиg below the ankle

Sample texts

Вода доходила ему до щиколоток. The water went up to his ankles.
Так мы шли долго, по щиколотку в грязи. We walked a long time, up to our ankles in mud.
Иван оборвал пуговицы с кальсон там, где те застёгивались у щиколотки... [М. Булгаков, Мастер и Маргарита] Ivan tore the buttons off of his drawers where they fastened at the ankle... [M. Bulgakov, Master and Margarita]